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Custom knives worth the price?


New member
Jun 21, 2001
Rural Wa. State/ Ellisras South Africa
I have gone through so many knives in my life and more then likely 1/2 of them have been misplaced or lost in the bush. Good kinves are very much like good sunglasses for me. Neither last very long once I get them.

Over the years working in Africa I have managed to collect quite a lot of bizzare scraps and odds and ends. I had a sheet of tanned White Rhino skin and made binocular cases. I had my Buffalo hide tanned and also had custom made bino cases for my leicas and several of my friends with the Leicas and the Swarovskis. I had the same guy make me some 6 shell belt pouches for the 375 and 30/06 shells as well.

All these things are really nice and mean something to a guy like me who works and spends so much time in the bush. A few years ago we killed a few Bull Rhino on the consession. I took some of the bones and stored them away for a whole year. They were picked clean and dried safely in the rafters of the barn. This past year I was able to get a custom knife maker to use the bone to build me a few knives with the Rhino Bone as a handle.

At first glance the fact that the Rhino bone is actually the handle is cool, off the charts cool. Who has this in a hunting knife? However while mezmerized by the "coolness" of the handle I realized the thick heavy blade was sharper then a factory made broadhead blade. No surgeons scalpel could be more sharp. I never knew what sharp actually was until I held this knife in my hands. To be 100% honest with all of you, .......It scares me! Sure all knifes brand new are pretty sharp but this has gone to the next level. It's "sticky" sharp. Who amung us has not lightly drawn a finger across the blade of his knife to feel that edge? Who has not shaved hair off their arm?

You won't with this one! It's way to spooky to risk a filet of your forearm sliding off onto the floor. I'm not sure you would even feel it! To say I'm impressed with the construction of this would be a massive understatement. I now know what it means to have a custom knife. This is worth every penny of the price!


Is this awsome or what? Rhino bone, how cool is that!
If you want to see the guy who built this for me check this out:
Snow suck so far, without tracks it's a waste of time for me. I'll catch up on other things while I wait for the snow. I also have a brother in Law on life support now. I'm sure that will end in a few days or weeks at the most. It will be difficult for me to be gone from home much while we wait on this unfortunate coming event.

Macrh is the best snow month of the year. Although Mid Feb on is usually good too. There is plenty of time yet. I did shoot a beautiful Whitetail with about 18 total points(non-typical) and a massive wild boar with my bow over thanks giving.

Here is the whitetail

Here is the boar( It was not shot in the USA)

I also spent a few weeks in the Keys for vacation. You know a guy has gotta take a break from hunting for at least a couple weeks a year!

One of the many countless baracuda I caught. On my 7 foot spinning rod with 20 lb line!

Shark on! Look in the water next to the boat

Once I got him tired out we were able to bring him along the boat for a good measurement. 40 minutes later we see he was 7.5 foot. then cut the leadrer to turn him loose.

The best of all was my little guy 2.5 years old with one fish after another all afternoon!

Whew, I'm tired from this year! three bow hunts for hogs one with a gun. three deer, a bear, several species of African game, no elk this year though! but the fishing was awsome. who knows maybe with a little good weather we'll whack a cat or two yet this winter.
That's a good looking knife. It's hard to tell the way the light hits the blade, but is that a damascus blade?

I think the knife is killer--I have one I had made from a Blacktail shed horn as the handle-----great pics and congrats on your success---chris
JJ, have you any experience with an S30V blade yet? Sounds like the chit, but I haven't bought one yet. I know Kaufman makes some knives with it.

You guys get any decent low tracking snow yet? I heard from Chic that the deer pop and cat pop has plummeted in the old Snoqualmie Tree Farm, you get in there anymore?
They shut the treefarm down to all access after I think December 15th? Saw a loin cross the highway by SR18 last night at 10PM going towards that new house development. They will feed on the domestic cats for a while there. endless supply from the city folks moving to the "country" ya know. I think F&G have shot two in the development this past fall. The Snow is getting good now, I'll be out this weekend for sure!
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