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    S.W. New Mexico photos

    I can only assume that after four different hunting seasons over six weeks, the elk had gone completely nocturnal. I found fresh sign and tracks in meadows and around active water holes. I sat on them every morning from before dawn and every afternoon for 3+ hours until after dark. Didn't...
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    S.W. New Mexico photos

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    S.W. New Mexico photos

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    S.W. New Mexico photos

    Spent 5 days looking for an elk with antlers in South West New Mexico. The only bulls I saw were in my headlights, well before dawn or well after dark. Had fun, saw the country side, here are some photos.
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    More trout and Scouts

    I can't tell you how much fun I had putting these boys on some fish. The first photo is my son getting a "Trout shower". The other boy had never caught a fish in his life. He speaks broken english, but he keep saying "I want to catch fish, I want to eat fish that I CATCH ! He had trout for dinner.
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    More trout and Scouts

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    More trout and Scouts

    Over the last 6 weeks, I’ve posted a lot of photos of trout I have been catching in the high country lakes of central Calif. This weekend, my sons scout troop back packed around to the back side of one of these lakes, while I took my boat across. I took out several boys who had never caught a...
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    Rifle caliber for elk?!

    Pick the gun that YOU shoot the best. Not from a bench, but off hand. Buy good ammo and go kill an elk.
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    More Sierra trout.

    It's some sub specie of rainbow. The color is weird, almost looked like a Brown before I got it in the boat.
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    Muzzle brakes

    I can't explain it. A good stock will do more to tame recoil, improve accuracy and lighten the load.
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    More Sierra trout.

    I'm heading back to this lake with a troop of Boy Scouts Saturday. My plan is to find a kid (or adult) who has never caught a decent fish before, get them in the boat and say "just hang on to that rod" !
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    Run Forrest run!

    Nice bull. Bow, rifle or muzzleloader ? Dang, I hope I don't have to run or climb to far, getting too old and fat for that.
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    What Sidearm While Hunting?

    I almost never carry a handgun while hunting. Depends on why you think you might need one. If your hunting big game with a rifle, the rifle will provide more self defense than any handgun. For small game, the .22. For bow hunting, a firearm is usually against the rules.
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    Calif. Drought

    I've never seen it this low, and this lake is part of a power project so they (the power co.) are keeping it at about 50%. My two favorite lakes, much farther in the back country, are at 7% and 5%. I'm afraid it will take years for the fishing to come back.
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    Calif. Drought

    Took this photo fishing this weekend. The rock in the background, you see the line up about 70 feet above the surface of the lake, that's the normal high water mark. You can now walk out on this rock, normally it's an island that you can troll around.
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    More Sierra trout.

    Put some better quality Rainbows in the boat today. Keep 2, released dozens. My friend Steve caught some nice fish too. Releasing a 12". Had a Bald Eagle fly within 20 yards of the boat, wish my camera had been ready, it was impressive.
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    Buddies 2014 Unit 15 New Mexico archery bull

    Congratulation to your buddy, sound like a blast. Check your PMs
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    Sierra trout

    No monsters, but lots of fish. Took my son trolling on Courtright lake, at 8,000 feet up in California’s central Sierra Mts. Hit the lake trolling at 7:30 am and had the first fish by 7:35. After that it was fish after fish, Rainbows from 10 to 16 inches. Boated over 20 fish in a few hours...
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    American made

    All other things being equal, I'll buy American. That being said, many times, the things made overseas are better, or the same and so much cheaper that it's hard to ignore.
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    HELP! Hunting boots in 4E width?

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