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Buddies 2014 Unit 15 New Mexico archery bull


New member
Jul 23, 2014
I would just like to thank the guys here who offered their help and advise on our hunt. While I was not able to make it happen my buddy connected with this 6x6 on the 3rd day of the first archery hunt. It was awesome to see him get this bull as it was his first time archery hunting as well as his first elk hunt. It was also awesome to be able to call the bull in for him.

We had hunted all day and were starting to talk about hiking out to the truck. We were in an area where we had seen a lot of sign of a bull in the area. I told him I was going to try calling down in to a little canyon one more time. I cow called twice and low and behold we get a bugle. We worked our way downhill with me cow calling every now and again when the bull bugled. This bull was coming in on a rope! Both of us are thinking that he was going to be a little guy as we had called in several little rag horns. My buddy set up behind some junipers and I got back about 50 yards. At this point we can here him crashing through the brush in the bottom of the drainage. That is about when the adrenaline started flowing. From my vantage point I see the bull break through the brush. I was so amped up I could hardly call. He comes up within 10 yards of my buddy and stops dead in his tracks looking hard for me "the cow". I could see my buddies back arm and that he was at full draw. I hear the arrow release and that thwack of victory. My buddy is not a real excitable guy but he was so amped he couldn't form a full sentence. The only thing he could say was "why would anyone do drugs when they could do this?" We tracked him for about 400 yards. Awesome day and an awesome hunt.


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The thrill of a bull at close range usually puts all other "run of the mill" endeavors into their proper perspective. Congrats.
Another archery elk addict!!!!Congrats to you and your friend.sounds to me like you BOTH killed a bull.you will enjoy that memory forever and I BET you'll be back at it next year