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  1. A

    Sierra scenery

    Camping with the Scout this weekend. While the boys were doing a hike, I snuck away with one of the other parents, and drove over Kaiser pass to Florence lake. We boated a few German Browns, of course the big one got away right at the boat, but the scenery made the trip. As you can see, the high...
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    WY Nonresident elk hunters???

    I would still apply, but I do like having Wyo. results early enough to make decisions about other states.
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    High country trout trip

    All catch and release.
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    High country trout trip

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    High country trout trip

    My brother has not been fishing in years, so we planned a trip for this weekend to Courtright lake. At 8,000 feet, the scenery is worth the extra hour drive compared to some of the lower, closer lakes. I got off work Friday an hour early, and we made it just in time to spend an hour on the lake...
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    Good Luck, Big Fin

    Hey Randy, I'll be in D.C. tomorrow night through Saturday. I'm going with a bunch of 8th graders. When we get to the capitol building, I'll lead a cheering section. Go Randy Go !
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    Last minuet trip

    My weekend plans with the Boy Scouts fell through when my son got sick. Not willing to waste a day off, I texted a friend from work, and we were on the road within an hour to check out a lake I have not fished in 25+ years. The drive was farther then I remembered, almost 2 1/2 hour before we had...
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    AZ 2015 elk/antelope regs online

    My extreme long shot AZ apps are in. 100 to 1 odds, I'm holding my breath.
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    K Frame Birthday selfie....

    I have one of those (not that pretty, it’s a working gun). Great find, EVERY handgunner should have one. In my HUMBLE opinion, the model 66, 4 inch is THE most versatile hand gun ever. Small enough to council in a pinch, big enough to handle a serious round like the .357 Mag. Barrel is short...
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    Back on a lake

    I would like to hear opinions on Squawfish. Fishing in other places, I have always killed them. I was taught they are trash, and eat so many fry of quality fish that they must be disposed of. The guy that put me on to this new fishing hole told me he releases them alive, and doesn't see any...
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    Back on a lake

    All the guys from up North are posting about "Ice fishing". We wore jackets, but as soon as we got out of the truck, we took them off. It was 58-60% and sunny. Also caught a "Squaw fish" (Pike/minnow).
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    Back on a lake

    A friend from work told where he is catching some decent trout. Took my son out on the boat for a few hours today. Only got one trout, a nice 18" Bow. Out fishing sure beats staying at home raking leaves.
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    Avoiding Canned Hunts

    In New mexico, they have free ranging Oryx or Gemsbock. To avoid canned hunts, just ask "Is this a high fence operation ? Better yet, look for the words "Fair chase" or ask, is this a fair chase hunt. If they squrim, or tell you "the animals are just as wild, it's just as tough, then...
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    Start em young

    I still remember my first fish, and 50 years from now I'm sure that young man will remember fishing with his father.
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    No thanks. .

    If you've ever flown in a plane that small, and seen how the wind tosses them around, you'll realize how crazy this is. One small puff of a breeze and that plane is plied up on the hill side.
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    Big Fin's Birthday

    50, that's it ? just 50 ? The young whippersnapper is still wet behind the ears. Happy five-0 Randy.
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    A long and winding road

    No time to read, but I like the photos.
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    Elk unit 41 or 38

    Last edited by Powerman777; Yesterday at 11:50 PM.
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    Elk unit 41 or 38

    Rule of thumb. When you start tossing around elk units, you might want to mention the state.
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    S.W. New Mexico photos

    Nope. We hiked in there before dawn one morning, and slowly walked those low rolling ridges covered with Ponderosas and grass. Lots of sign, a week or more old.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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