Yeti GOBOX Collection

No thanks. .

I would love this. After the flights to the Durfees in the Piper Super Cubs, with short take offs and landings, even in the really bad winds on the last day when that storm rolled in, I greatly enjoyed the 2 seater smaller planes better than I have larger Cesnas in the past. I filmed the landing from inside, as well as the plane taking off and landing (outside). Working on the interactive map now. Shouldnt even be on HT right now and have avoided Reddit since I got back so that I dont get distracted. :)
Depends on the day... there is one video out there where the pilot didn't make the climbout of an Idaho airstrip.
Doesn't look that bad to me. But then again I've never been in one of those things lol
Doesn't look that bad to me. But then again I've never been in one of those things lol

Been in them, flown them, owned them and still no thanks. A killer hill on the left and trees on the right. With wing span margin for error is tiny. Not to mention just above stall speed most of the approach.
At least he didn't have to make a U-turn in a canyon...see lower big airstrips.
If you've ever flown in a plane that small, and seen how the wind tosses them around, you'll realize how crazy this is. One small puff of a breeze and that plane is plied up on the hill side.
If you've ever flown in a plane that small, and seen how the wind tosses them around, you'll realize how crazy this is. One small puff of a breeze and that plane is plied up on the hill side.
A little exaggeration there... but you need good conditions and know when not to go. You can miss the trees by less than an inch and still be ok... you just have to watch the runway and ignore the peripherals. ;)
Hells Bells, never flew with a heuy jockey in the bush, did ya ? Croppin the tops, nose dive on a postage stamp, drop boot your ass out in 5 sec's and shyrocket the hell straight up ! AK's and RPG's just for visual effect ta boot.
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