Thanks for all of you who fought to have the amendments taken out of HB 424. It needed to be done to get it passed and not vetoed.
And Kat and Ben, thanks for keeping us up to speed with the day-to-day movement of this and many other bills in Montana.
The Public Land/Water Access Association (PLWA) is the premier organization for protecting public access to public land and water in Montana.
Please attend the Ales for Access get together on Monday, April 10, from 4 - 8 pm @ Map Brewing, 510 Manley Rd, Bozeman.
Also note their Annual Meeting...
At the beginning of March this year, my wife and I once again flew down to Miami to fish for a couple of days in the Everglades, hang out on the beach and swim in the ocean and pools. You know, all those things we can’t do in Montana. We are still going to get 60 days of skiing this season, but...
Kat, Thanks for the timely reporting on the committee hearing.
Now that UPOM is an opponent, does that make them a member of the infamous "green decoys" some of the proponents are so easy to ridicule? Strange bedfellows.
I agree with Ben Lamb, table the bill and work on it in the interim.
Troy, great pictures. What color jigs were you using? Your usual colors? black and red? yellow?
Inspirational. Plenty windy here today. But still warm.
Kat, Thanks for taking the time to follow the hearing and giving us a summary.
It will be interesting to see how amendments go.
I thinks lots of people are watching closely.
Brandon, welcome to Hunt Talk. And thanks for sharing your information and showing that you are willing to improve your product when you can. I was a statistician in a former life and know how hard some systems are to predict into the future.