Kenetrek Boots

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  1. W

    October Blues

    Nice pictures. Looks like a fun hunt. Thanks for sharing them with us.
  2. W

    Green and Gold Fest 2016

    BigSky and son, Another great set of pictures. What great color on the browns. Thanks for posting them. Always enjoy your threads. Looks like your son is using one of those nice marabou jigs, right? Were you guys using them in the creek too?
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    Shane Mahoney in Bozeman

    I will make it if all goes according to plans.
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    Wounded Bull....

    Glad you were able to find him. I've only lost one animal that I know I hit. It was not fun.
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    New Mexico with Fin and Corey

    Congratulations. Fill us in when you can.
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    Archery Elk

    Great bull. Sounds like a perfect hunt. Glad it worked out for you after all your previous hunts. thanks for posting.
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    WY Elk: KHunter archery 2016

    Great thread. Keep up the good work.
  8. W

    Grandpa's Parker

    Great story and pictures. Thanks for posting them.
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    New Mexico with Fin and Corey

    Find one today, take him tomorrow. Sounds like a plan. Good luck and keep us posted.
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    Montana Grouse Opens Sept 1

    A few doves and a snipe so far. Let the games begin!
  11. W

    One last goose? Bitter sweet.

    I'm choked up. The last hunts for our dogs are always sad.
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    Idaho Dove Opener 2016

    now that's what I call conservation effort! Good work.
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    Vanish and FireTiger's Journal - Season 6

    Great start to the season. thanks for posting here.
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    FT and OYOA inspiration to success

    You're livin' large. Congratulations on the hunt and the upcoming baby.
  15. W

    8 is Great!

    Great pictures. Thanks for posting them. Looks like a good time was had by all.
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    Stolen custom shotgun ($1000 reward)

    lucky ending. Glad he got it back.
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    Great picture. Looks breezy and maybe cold. Story to go along with pic?
  18. W

    Question - What good is it...

    Kat, Thanks again for your research. Another interesting topic. Larry Jent will make a very good AG. He certainly understands the complex issues facing resident DIY hunters and anglers.
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    Sandhill Cranes

    This is the thread I posted about my crane hunt in Montana:
  20. W

    Meat Processor - Bozeman area

    I have had very good service from Yellowstone Wild Game Processing. They are very busy during the thick of the season, however. The reports here of meat going bad from YWGP are the first I have heard about. They may be getting too busy. I have used Happels and Budget. No complaints from me...
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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