
After four years of archery hunting public land, and stumbling through all the ups and downs of elk hunting it finally all came together. I was lucky enough to have the company of my father and a buddy of mine who has been a huge elk mentor to me. After a couple hours of moving and calling from first light a bull appeared silently in the meadow above us. We agreed to move forward and cut the bull off in the next meadow. I set up in front of my buddy who was stayed back, called, and "seductively" worked the decoy. The bull came running in textbook fashion, drooling all over himself. He turned broadside and looked the other direction (perfect, right?) I was able to make a good shot and he died within 100 yards. All of the days I have put in the field trying to get an archery bull and the whole thing was over within minutes. Best of luck to everyone on thier season!