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  1. I

    Dating advice. Older women?

    Ok, I'll be that guy. Stop fooling around, find a good woman in your own age group, get married, and build a meaningful life before she is too old to have children.
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    Anyone ever use these tire chain gadgets?

    Are those any different than using a ratchet strap and a short piece of iron C-channel? I like the look of the truck claws for short distance to get back on the road, the price isn't bad but I'm thinking that a piece of C-channel and a ratchet strap would do the same job.
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    5 Movies

    Jeremiah Johnson Master and Commander The Cowboys Indiana Jones (original trilogy) The Last of the Mohicans And many more that I cycle through on a regular basis.
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    Elk flavor

    My wife and I did a blind taste test a few years ago of a forky whitetail killed in northern Idaho forests, forky mule deer killed in sage country, and a spike elk killed in northern Idaho all in the same year within weeks of each of other. We could not discern any difference between the mule...
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    ID Wolf Management Plan 2023 - 2028

    I propose an earn a bull program for non-resident hunters. If you come to Idaho and kill a wolf you will be guaranteed an OTC elk tag in Idaho the following year. Kill 2 and we can talk about controlled hunts. I'm only half joking. Something similar can be worked out for residents.
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    Top 5 westerns

    The Cowboys Conagher The Sacketts Quigley Down Under Jeremiah Johnson Honorable mentions: The Man who shot Liberty Valence The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 3:10 to Yuma (Remake) True Grit (Remake) Wyatt Earp (Better than Tombstone in my opinion) The Hallelujah Trail Rustler's Rhapsody Hostiles
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    They ate all the deer

    To me this study demonstrates how wrong the "balance of nature" argument truly is. There is no balance, just a pendulum swinging back and forth. We hear all the time from pro-wolf/antihunting groups that wolves won't eradicate elk because it wouldn't be in their best interest to eat themselves...
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    History of Eastern and Western Style Antler Point Count

    I have also wondered about the history of the different point counting methods but have never heard anything definitive. Something traumatic must have happened to eastern hunters that makes them count points incorrectly and hang their deer from the neck instead of the back legs as god intended...
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    A brawl brewing in spokane?

    Poll questions are always so ambiguous that the results can be used to support a predetermined conclusion. Take for example one of the questions that they cite in the article: "Pollsters also asked respondents if they “support or oppose the use of taxpayer money to recruit and reactivate more...
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    A brawl brewing in spokane?

    Something that seems to have been missed here is that hunters are only consumptive users for 2-3 months out of the year. I am a non-consumptive user for the other 9 months. In no way do I think that my consumptive use negatively impacts my ability to view/photograph and otherwise enjoy...
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    Task force $1,950 NR elk tag

    I would rather not see this change occur but I didn't take the time to comment so my opinion doesn't really matter. Shame on me. That said, in general I do not like the large cost differential between residents and non-residents very much. I wouldn't mind if the cost of the tags and licenses...
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    Shooters tarnishing our public land

    I used to shoot on piece of State owned land near my home. Unfortunately, high schoolers decided it was a good place to have their drunken parties and leave trash, broken glass, and debris all over a one acre area. Last year the gate leading up to the area was locked. There is a certain...
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    Honeymoon vacation

    You're not seriously thinking about getting married in October, are you?
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    Great Social Media posts?

    He would have earned his man card with your first sentence, but then he lost it with your second.
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    WY Land Hunting Etiquette

    Never said ranchers don't work hard, only that they don't have a monopoly on that attribute. They do however seem to have a higher proclivity for telling you about it.
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    WY Land Hunting Etiquette

    Oh yes, the poor beset upon rancher. I grow tired of that old schtick. Farmers and Ranchers do not have a monopoly on hard work, flat tires, delayed schedules or setbacks. Most that I have known worked easier schedules than many other professions. There are certainly valid complaints in the...
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    McCall B tag going solo

    The only business that can legally help you pack out an elk in Idaho is the outfitter that is licensed for the specific area you are hunting. From what I hear, most outfitters won't pack meat because it is not cost effective for them or they are too busy with guiding clients. A friend...
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    Wanton Waste Laws

    Here is Idaho's law: Waste of Game Hunters are required to remove and care for the edible meat of big game animals, except black bears, mountain lions and gray wolves. This includes the meat from hind quarters as far down as the hock, meat of the front quarters as far down as the knee and meat...
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    Wanton Waste Laws

    The Montana regulation appears to include organ meats under the definition of Wanton Waste. Heart, liver, kidneys, etc. Can anybody comment on that? Here's one line from post #6
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    Logging to a halt

    Log it, and then require removal of the roads after operations have concluded.

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