Search results

  1. mtmander

    Favorite truck accessories?

    best accessory
  2. mtmander

    So long TV - Hello Amazon

    Just glad they remain on YouTube
  3. mtmander

    Boot insulation

    I prefer no insulation in the boot (mostly montana hunting) and use wool socks and change them during the hunt if they get too sweaty
  4. mtmander

    Driving to Alaska

    fly , spend time hunting and not driving having your vehicle is nice 'if' you get a moose to bring it back but you have to get it first and that is time spent hunting
  5. mtmander

    Yes....another which caliber

  6. mtmander

    What's a good long range rifle out of the box?

    One of my most accurate rifles is a .300 WM. I use a 6mm for most of my target shooting , just because it is easier on me to shoot a lot of rounds. you can always use more than 1 rifle
  7. mtmander

    Taking aim...

    200 yards , that is far
  8. mtmander

    Loan Me a Truck

    good for you , and a smart move on nissan to let you test their truck
  9. mtmander

    Nevada Desert Bighorn Hunt

    great hunt , that is what hunting is about
  10. mtmander

    Weirdest Western Town?

    Missoula, Mt
  11. mtmander

    Favorite western towns

    Condon , Montana
  12. mtmander

    Whitetail - Thoughts on Score?

    nice buck , score does not matter he is nice
  13. mtmander

    Idaho Middle Fork Ram

    great hunt, congrats
  14. mtmander

    Can't Beat Fall Brown's

    nice fish
  15. mtmander

    Montana Archery Elk 2017

    nice , congrats
  16. mtmander

    First western trip was a success

  17. mtmander

    Bc moose hunt

    congrats , great memories
  18. mtmander

    Trekking Poles

    just got these , good so far
  19. mtmander

    On the board - Idaho Elk

Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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