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Boot insulation


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2014
West Texas
Im looking into purchasing a pair of boots for some of the later hunts down here in the southwest (AZ, NM and maybe southern Colorado). Im undecided between 400 grams insulation or 600 grams insulation. Any thoughts??
My feet run naturally hot, and I am typically walking while hunting (not a big fan of sitting in a tree stand) so I buy very little (or even no) insulation and manage temp via sock selection. I can usually amp up the socks if too cold, but can't amp down the boot if too hot. Personally given your choices I would pick 400 (but would actually prefer 0 in most cases).
I would lean more towards 200 or even none. I can get away with 200 almost always in Montana during November rifle. I typically hike and don’t do much sitting though. If I do sit for awhile, my feet can get cold, which tells me it’s time to move again. I bought some 600 gram this year and they were too hot and I had sweaty feet.
I wear uninsulated boots for 90% of what I do. I good wool sock will get you down into the teens or even lower. Treestand/Stand hunting is different though. Here in CO I have a pair of 400 gram hikers that I wear when the temps go South of zero. But like I said my unisulated Zamberlan Guides cover almost everything. Your feet will probably end up hot and sweaty if you try and do all with an insulated boot.
Look into Kenetreks Sock system. It allows me to run a NI and then just adjust for wherever I am. I’ve used them in 70 down to single digit days. Even on tree stand with no real issues.
Depends on how much you plan on sitting on how much plan on walking. Personally I sweat WAY TOO MUCH to use an insulated boot. To help I only use a "waterproof" boot if I know I will get wet. The rest of the time I use a vented boot and stay much more comfortable. Since you are going to staying out of the colder areas with lots of snow you might want to stick to a vented boot.
You've got to tailor your boots for your own feet. I wear 200g work boots all year round. My feet don't sweat much so I like as much insulation as they can handle for hunting. I wear big thick pac boots in the treestand and 400g for hiking.
Kenetrek Boots

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