Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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  1. mtmander

    Kentucky 2016 Whitetail

    nice deer , congrats
  2. mtmander

    SE Montana Whitetails ???

    hunt river bottoms
  3. mtmander

    My East Crazies Trespassing Trial

    like the sweatshirt
  4. mtmander

    Fur shed helper in training

  5. mtmander

    some Georgia fur

    surprised beaver are only $5 average , they were a lot more when I was trapping , but you get to be out wandering around and that is priceless
  6. mtmander

    Good Weekend Rainbows and Gold!

    nice fish
  7. mtmander

    You might only get your news from Fox If:

    news channels are entertaining , just good for comic relief
  8. mtmander

    MT Archery Elk... Backpacking in, necessary?

    it depends on if the elk are close to the trail head........
  9. mtmander

    Idaho Steelhead

    nice fish
  10. mtmander

    Mt elk hunt binocular choice 8x or 10x

    I used to use 10x42 and over the years my eyes 'got tired' when I glasses a lot, could be old eyes. I switched to 8x42 and they are easier on my eyes. Both were Zeiss same model. Yes I can not see detail as far but I can glass longer.
  11. mtmander

    Big boy sheds

    nice sheds
  12. mtmander

    Bullet Choice

    I have used Nosler Partition for hunting for many years, never any regrets
  13. mtmander

    0 MOA or 20 MOA picatinny rail

    I think most replies were to respond to the question on using a 20 MOA and being able to shoot at 100 yds, the reason for the 20 MOA is to increase the range of your scope so you can dial in at long ranges instead of holding over your target, at least that is why I got a 20 MOA rail.
  14. mtmander

    0 MOA or 20 MOA picatinny rail

    I have used 20 MOA bases and have not had a problem at 100yds
  15. mtmander

    Neil Gorsuch SCOTUS Nominee

    I will be happy with 2 appointments
  16. mtmander

    MT Trespass Laws Seriously Altered Today

    What does this change ? I understood that you need to know if you are on public or private land in Montana (e.g. the responsibility of the hunter to know where he is hunting) and iyou need written permission to be on private.
  17. mtmander

    Montana Hard Water

    I like the walleye
  18. mtmander

    Rally for Public Lands - at the capitol in Helena at high noon on January 30, 2017.

    Montana Trout Unlimited - Conservation Alert bull trout header Conservation Alert from Montana Trout Unlimited RALLY FOR YOUR PUBLIC LANDS! Join fellow Montanans at the capitol in Helena at high noon on January 30, 2017. Our public lands are under attack. Bills this session in Congress and...

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