Yeti GOBOX Collection

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  1. fleabagmatt

    Anybody Been to a Seahawk Game?

    I've been to a couple. If you're worried about seeing the game well it's better on TV. It's the experience of being there in the crowd that makes it worth it, even from the nosebleed seats. So loud in there!
  2. fleabagmatt

    I finally got that (flying) monkey off my back.

    It took me three seasons to get there, but I finally managed to harvest my first turkey. Even had a bonus grouse to start the evening. It's not a big flashy tom, but I wasn't going to be picky and she was the first one to walk out into a clearing enough to get a shot.
  3. fleabagmatt

    Plate ‘em up

    Wife shot her first grouse this past weekend, so we cooked it up last night for dinner.
  4. fleabagmatt

    Plate ‘em up

    Ordinarily I might agree with you, but this right here is one hell of a tasty pizza, weird as it sounds:
  5. fleabagmatt

    My General Tag

    Go get 'em, TOGIE!
  6. fleabagmatt

    Friday's tunage of music ; time framed

    Time makes lovers feel Like they've got something real
  7. fleabagmatt

    Friday's tunage of music ; time framed

    Fresh adidas squeak across the bathroom floor.
  8. fleabagmatt

    It's puppy season. Franklin Goes to Hollywood

    Dogs got out for a puppy run last night after work. Going into her second season now, Ruby hasn't quite figured out wild birds yet. She points the hell out of planted birds but she is still trying to get too close to wild birds, so I haven't seen too many good points from her outside of training...
  9. fleabagmatt

    Friday Tunes

    It always comes back to cover tunes for me for some reason. (Brandi is worth the click thru to YouTube)
  10. fleabagmatt

    Wtf am I trying to prove:Colorado bear 2023

    An new avatar for Greenhorn:

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