Caribou Gear

Search results

  1. fleabagmatt

    SOLD Meat Grinder Cabela’s Commercial-Grade 1HP Carnivore $350

    Dammit. I wish you weren't several states away.
  2. fleabagmatt

    The worst thing you can do as a husband...

    All aboard the Roscoe P Coal Train!
  3. fleabagmatt

    Hunting hearing protection??

    I agree with @BrentD, they work surprisingly well in the field. Things are slightly muffled at normal sound levels, but it definitely knocks down the sound of a gun quite a lot. I can't recall for sure, but I think they advertise something like 3db noise reduction for ambient sounds and 33db for...
  4. fleabagmatt

    Upland 2023

    Took little Franklin out and managed one lonely quail. I didn't put any thought into it, but tossed my vest in the back of the van where Franklin was riding. When I got home he was just hanging out, casually chewing on the thing. By the time I got it from him, he had chewed off and swallowed the...
  5. fleabagmatt

    Plate ‘em up

    Tried out Hank Shaw's carnitas recipe with some turkey and pheasant legs. Broke out the good plastic for presentation purposes.
  6. fleabagmatt

    Gratuitous Bird and Dog Photos

    Franklin's still running around all willynilly out there, having fun and bumping birds. It's his first season, he's allowed. Ruby is doing awesome going into her second season. It's like a switch flipped and she's doing amazing pointing and tracking wild birds. We had a couple chances to get a...
  7. fleabagmatt

    Priced Out of Replacement Blade Knives

    If you're referring to the Steep Country:
  8. fleabagmatt

    It's puppy season. Franklin Goes to Hollywood

    We took Franklin out looking for quail the other night. I've done some gun intro work with him, but had not yet shot a bird over him, and really haven't done any sort of formal retrieve training either. At the end of our hunt we took a detour past a pond thinking there might be some birds in the...
  9. fleabagmatt

    Extra Stupid Window Stickers

    Walked past this subaru last weekend.
  10. fleabagmatt

    What is your single top hunting season goal this year? I expect updates damn it.

    Welp, I put in 4 days of hunting hiking last week, I managed to not see a single antlered deer, much less a legal buck. Pretty sure I am the worst deer hunter on the planet. Maybe next year I guess. I saw some cool stuff out there, explored some new areas and it sure beat sitting in front of a...
  11. fleabagmatt

    Benchmade knives?

    Thanks for the heads-up, just ordered one.
  12. fleabagmatt

    It's puppy season. Franklin Goes to Hollywood

    Thank you. The evening light was perfect with the stormy skies.
  13. fleabagmatt

    Benchmade knives?

    I like the looks of that. I recently lost my Grizzly Ridge and have been considering what to replace it with. I had been thinking about the Bugout, but keep going back and forth between a folder and a fixed-blade. I think I'd rather carry around a cheap pocket knife day-to-day and have something...