Randy11- search MCA for "controlled access highway." If the interstate is marked as such, you'll know the answer on legality. Whether or not you'll be cited if it is controlled access is another question.
If trespass is prohibited by state and/or federal Constitution because it is a takings, how is it I can legally walk across someone's property, for any purpose other than hunting, if it is not properly posted as in MCA 45-6-201? It seems to me that if it constitutes a takings, and violates the...
Thinking out loud here so to speak. This bill would make changes to Titles 45 and 77, but does anything need to be changed in Title 87 regarding hunting without landowner permission?
(6) (a) When crossing from one property in which a person is lawfully authorized to remain to another property in which the person is lawfully authorized to remain pursuant to subsection (1), a person is permitted to cross private land at the geographic point that represents the corner of one or...
Don't fret too much. The overbearing criteria to qualify for one of these is proposed to be lessened. You may soon only need to have a relative that died in MT to qualify. And no need to have a previous resident license or taken hunter's safety in MT.:rolleyes::mad:
There are 23,600 combo licenses authorized by statute to be sold to nonresidents. In 2012 there were 24,816 combos sold. Each combo equates to one nonresident hunter. So does this represent a decrease in the number of nonresidents? Did the 24,816 nonresidents that came here spend less money at...
wyoming556- you, like many others, saw there were licenses available for sale and automatically assumed there was a drop in the number of nonresidents that came to MT this year. State statute authorizes 17,000 big game combos and 6,600 deer combos for sale each year, which would equate to 23,600...
The act of shipping isn't what requires it to go through a FFL. It's the act of transferring ownership between residents of different states that does. The transfer would need to go through a FFL in the state of residence of the receiver. If he gave it to you when you were both residents of the...
Given the preponderance of private land within most of these district, sounds like there could be a general rifle season. If the landowners are only going to allow a few, if any, hunters access, what would it hurt?
Lawnboy and Big Fin- both of you have stated that one size doesn't fit all and each district should be looked at on its own. What would your criteria be for having/not having permits in a district? I assume it would be how much public land is in said district. But what would the exact criteria...
Greenhorn- if you liked it better the way it was before, then by all means send in your support for HB 387, which proposes to set up another system whereby people can buy their way around being in a drawing with the serfs.
Here's a link to a report that shows the history of OSL sales on the...
Because those who want to privatize/commercialize lost their cash bull. Prior to the elk archery permits, the guaranteed license coupled with no permit requirements, equaled unfettered opportunity to privatize/commercialize bull elk during the archery season. One of their arguments against the...
Huh, guess you and Eric Albus wouldn't see eye to eye. Don't know if he was speaking as a District Director for MOGA or himself when he posted the following in a Gazette blog: Wildlife management? Until Montana gets away from the North American Wildlife Model mindset we will continue to be...