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  1. E

    Which Week for Idaho OTC Mule Deer?

    The later week might have more hunters if you're in an area where the elk seasons open on the 15th. I like to hunt the upper half of the mountains during that time, although the bucks can be lower. Most seem to be in the higher parts, although the sage areas around ag fields can have some good...
  2. E

    Idaho spring bear

    Hunt the dark timber. The Panhandle is thick and has a lot of bears as does the mid to northern areas of ID. I use bait and would rather hunt a high density area and drive more than set baits where there aren't a lot of bears, especially if you're not familiar with the area. Tried hunting in...
  3. E

    How many deer on average do you see per hunting day?

    100 to 200, mostly muleys with a few whitetails in the river bottoms. Evenings are best, although the majority are in ag fields on private land. Public land varies, depending on the area, still an easy 50+ mostly does. Areas are often rugged and steep, just difficult to get to em. Time of year...
  4. E

    Slugs for elk

    Slugs work well on moose too. Exciting, up close and personal. Been on hunts and we've gotten two and they don't go far. Devastating under 50 yards. Here's a pic of one.
  5. E

    Bill allowing crossbows during MT archery

    I'm 63 yo and had rotatory cuff surgery in July and really enjoy archery hunting. Idaho allows a disabled hunter to use a crossbow. Had the surgeon fill out a form and got a temporary use for the crossbow, until the end of the year, as no way in heck I could pull my compound. So far, no luck...
  6. E

    Late night elk in Idaho

    There's more to this story, a question of ethics and respect for other hunters. The afternoon we shot the elk, I rode my SxS up a road and came across 2 hunters glassing the mountains ahead of where I was going. Instead of driving by them and possibly screwing up their hunt, I stopped to talk to...
  7. E

    Late night elk in Idaho

    2nd year in row we managed to get 2 elk out of a herd within a 1/4 mile both years. Picture is of the bull friend shot and I shot a cow. As it usually goes, both elk went downhill in a valley. Late evening on these 2, we did gutless and packed the quarters, head, back straps, etc. It took until...
  8. E

    Tex Creek Idaho

    I've hunted it a few times. B tag times will usually mean the elk will be higher. I like the area south of Palisades, there is a road that follows the south end of the lake by crossing the bridge before the dam, riverside. Stop and glass the draws, you should find elk, getting to them might be...
  9. E

    Idaho fall bear

    Geno67, if you get a chance, shoot me a pm and I can give you a couple of specific areas I no longer hunt due to the driving time. These place are more north central Idaho, in high bear densities. The panhandle is a good area too, although baiting is not legal there. as DK pointed out. In 5 days...
  10. E

    Disabled hunters rules and regs for ID

    You can hunt from a vehicle, even shoot from one, you need to be off the road, berms, easements, etc. though. You also need to operate your choice of weapon by yourself. Crossbows are legal versus conventional archery. Form is on website. Have a doctor sign and can be either temporary or...
  11. E

    Idaho fall bear

    Use bait also, legal in Idaho. In the high bear area, bears will be on the bait in a day or two. Spring seems to be better than fall. Just got into bear hunting 4 years ago. I always go OTC and hunt where a lot of bears are. Some units have 2 bear tags, those areas have lots of bears and reduced...
  12. E

    DIY solo spring bear on bait

    Just got this bear on the 2nd to last day of the season. Solo hunt, lots of re baiting and had 3 to 4 bears hitting the site. Quite of missed opportunities, but finally closed the deal. Not the best picture being late in the evening, measured about 6 foot. Last year, i got a similar bear within...
  13. E

    Access in the lemhi zone

    I hunt the Lemhi quite a bit. Most areas areas can be rugged and steep. Great places to glass up a herd, winter wasn't too hard on them. I usually hunt the northern end. Roads are usually open and a lot of them go around the private owner's fields to access the blm an nat. forest. Have few...
  14. E

    Anyone good with outboards?

    Try pumping the primer bulb after it starts. Had a similar problem with a Merc. Might be losing pressure somewhere. Definitely seems fuel related.
  15. E

    Hunting Elk Salmon Units ID, Rifle or Archery.

    Hunt it every year, deer, elk, bear, antelope, etc. Spend about 100 days a year in that country. Wolves and bears have done a number in the area. Yes, most of it is steep and access can be difficult. Motels in Salmon for a place to stay, PM me if you would like some areas to look over.
  16. E

    Rebuild of an '85 Bass Tracker Boat.

    Sytes, nice boat. Might want to consider using an aluminum polish to buff the hull. Ditto replacing the impeller and it's also a good idea to check the compression. I've been restoring/rebuilding fishing boats as winter projects. Below is a 1984 Skeeter that was in really bad shape. Repaint...
  17. E

    DIY Western Bear Hunt Tips

    Bait bait where legal, bring them to you. Late May or early June. PM me if you want to hunt Idaho.
  18. E

    Idaho black bear units 62 & 62a

    62 and 62A has quite a few bears, Grizzlies in that area too being close to YNP. Fairly thick in most areas. Personally, I like the more northern units and set up baits to watch in the evenings, spot and stalk during the daytime. Late May, early June is best due to snow conditions. That area has...
  19. E

    Hunters and Trappers call for fewer wolves

    There are many issues with the wolf problems, one being that these wolves in the Greater YNP that have expanded their range, are not native to this area. They are the larger predators from Canada. It's disappointing to me see areas that I hunt moose, deer and elk to have diminishing populations...
  20. E

    2019 Spring Bear in Frank Church Wilderness, Idaho (Unit 20A)

    Very true, the mosquitoes can be bad and they were at times last June. I don't like to use repellant because of the scent. I have a cabin in central Idaho and spend a lot of time around there so I'm able to keep track of snow levels. It would be a bummer to fly in early May with snow covered...
Caribou Gear

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