Kenetrek Boots

Access in the lemhi zone


New member
Aug 28, 2015
Suffolk VA
My buddies and I recently retired from the Navy submarine force. We are from all over the country and 3 of us are hunting in the lemhi elk zone this coming year for early archery. We have spots picked out with back ups and back ups to the back ups. What we can’t gather from onX and go hunt is access to those spots. We know the roads that look like they get back there but don’t know if we can get to them because the entry road (not trail), looks like it is through private land. If there is a member that would be willing to give some advice I would love to talk with you and gain some knowledge. Again, not asking for spots but would share what we have selected to get some insight on getting there or close to it. Thanks in advance.
I would post this in the Land issue On-X section of the forum for quicker response. I personally don't use On-x so I won't be able to help but I am sure you will get what you need eventually. Plenty of ON-X users on this site.

Good luck and a BIG THANK YOU for your service. Enjoy your retirement!
The Idaho Lemhi zone has a lot of good public access with motorized vehicle restrictions. Also has some back areas to hike/horse into. Unfortunately, it is very crowded in many areas and most land owners won't let you hunt their property, unless you know them or are close family relation. Locals are pretty friendly for the most part, but many of the hunters have an entitled attitude and can be pretty rude. There are plenty of animals, depending on what you are looking for. Just be consistent, tolerant, and patient.

Good luck on your hunt, and thank you for your service.
My buddies and I recently retired from the Navy submarine force. We are from all over the country and 3 of us are hunting in the lemhi elk zone this coming year for early archery. We have spots picked out with back ups and back ups to the back ups. What we can’t gather from onX and go hunt is access to those spots. We know the roads that look like they get back there but don’t know if we can get to them because the entry road (not trail), looks like it is through private land. If there is a member that would be willing to give some advice I would love to talk with you and gain some knowledge. Again, not asking for spots but would share what we have selected to get some insight on getting there or close to it. Thanks in advance.
Congrats on retirement, dont miss VA and humidity! Lemhi has lots of acess but some is private. I was there 2 weeks ago but will not be back till oct unfortunately. Find a entry point and second spot and call NF office and ask them about it. I will tell you take extra gas! If can help let me know bro...

Retired Senior Chief
Congrats on retirement, dont miss VA and humidity! Lemhi has lots of acess but some is private. I was there 2 weeks ago but will not be back till oct unfortunately. Find a entry point and second spot and call NF office and ask them about it. I will tell you take extra gas! If can help let me know bro...

Retired Senior Chief
Thanks brother. Appreciate the info. Good call on the gas. We were thinking the same thing.
The Idaho Lemhi zone has a lot of good public access with motorized vehicle restrictions. Also has some back areas to hike/horse into. Unfortunately, it is very crowded in many areas and most land owners won't let you hunt their property, unless you know them or are close family relation. Locals are pretty friendly for the most part, but many of the hunters have an entitled attitude and can be pretty rude. There are plenty of animals, depending on what you are looking for. Just be consistent, tolerant, and patient.

Good luck on your hunt, and thank you for your service.
Thanks. I appreciate the insight.
I would post this in the Land issue On-X section of the forum for quicker response. I personally don't use On-x so I won't be able to help but I am sure you will get what you need eventually. Plenty of ON-X users on this site.

Good luck and a BIG THANK YOU for your service. Enjoy your retirement!
Thanks good call. Will do.
I hunt the Lemhi quite a bit. Most areas areas can be rugged and steep. Great places to glass up a herd, winter wasn't too hard on them. I usually hunt the northern end. Roads are usually open and a lot of them go around the private owner's fields to access the blm an nat. forest. Have few roads picked out and look for sign or elk. Usually glassing some up is the easy part, getting to them can be difficult. In the September archery hunt, most elk are high, so that means Forest Service roads. Some are blocked, but most are open. Forest fires with a lot of smoke is usually an issue in early September. Thanks for your service and pm me if you like.

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