red, I shot some 223 not long ago loaded with varget. It shot well, but personally I'm sticking with the 748 and 335. I aggree that the 748 drops nice and my 223 loves it and the ballistic tip bullets.WD.
Sparkman, I don't own a 7mm Mag, but I sighted one in for a buddy of mine about a month ago and shot the best group I've ever shot out of a 7mm Mag with this load. 58gr of 4064, Win cases, cci primers, and nosler 140 gr ballistic tip bullets. The key with the 4064 is to weigh each charge as it...
CALIF.HUNTER, Dan is pretty darn good when it comes to advise on shooting technique and a lot of other areas as well. Regarding the 223 loads, several of us around here use the 748 powder in the 223, it is easy to work with and the 223's seem to like it real well. I also like the 335 powder in...