Caribou Gear Tarp

Can I hang out here now?



I got a brand new chronograph for Christmas and now I have graduated to the big leagues. After reloading for 30 years, I finally will be able to know what's really happening.

The way I see it, it will save me a bunch of money. I shoot once, get the speed, plug it into one of those computer trajectory calculator programs and I am instantly ready. No more blue shoulders. No more hours spent resizing cases. No more time spent working up loads. Wait a minute. I do all that because it's fun. Maybe the chrony wasn't such a good idea after all. Maybe I'll get lucky and hit it with the first shot.
HI, Shadow - I finally got myself a chronograph, too. One of the Chrony Master Beta's that Midway had on sale. I figure I'll spend just as much time at the bench trying to develop the most accurate load, but at least now I'll know how fast they're going! I know that a lot of people put down the Chrony's, but for me it's just for fun and accuracy of the load is still most important. The chronograph will, like you said, just let me calculate trajectory for my loads based upon something more than a guess.

[This message has been edited by Calif. Hunter (edited 12-28-2000).]
BAD Shadowrider, shame on you. You have it all backwards. You don't use the chronograph instead to shooting loads. You use it to find out more about the loads you're shooting. You check the velocity of a load when the temp is 80 degrees, then check the same load when it's 45 degrees. Then you figure out why the difference and you try to adjust to the climate you're going to hunt. You watch the velocity decrease as you shoot out the throat of the barrel. You watch the standard deviation grow as the temperature changes. You may have several different loads that shoot well in the same rifle, once you chrono them you settle on the load with the smallest standard deviation. So you see. You now have a reason to shoot 2 or 3 times as much as you did before. You don't shoot less, you shoot more. Remember that. (Enjoy)

Dan AZ

[This message has been edited by danr55 (edited 12-28-2000).]
WDSwift, I'll have to look at the box to see. It came from Cabella's and is the F1, plain jane "Ford Pinto" model. I am anxious to try it out though.

Hey CH, how are ya. I've wanted a chrony for years but never would let myself have one. Not sure why, just one of those personal glitches I guess. I've always wanted to compare my loads to "the books" and now I shall.

Danr, what can I say. You have gone and burst my bubble. Everytime I think I have figured out how to cheat and do it with little or no effort, here you come to set me straight. Man, what's a guy gotta do to become shiftless and no count anyway?
I'm not sure. I think you should probably check with the resident Professional Liar. He seems to have it down to an artform. Although the boss doesn't do to bad. Besides, shooting more is a great excuse not to do yardwork. "Hey honey, I'd love to mow the lawn, but I've got a new load I just worked up and I've got to go try it out. You know, with the new chronograph I got for Christmas."....."You threw it where?"...."Yes dear. I know dear. I'm sorry dear. Of course I'll mow the lawn and rake the leavse and wash the windows...." Works every time.....NOT!!!!!!!

Dan AZ :cool:
Dan,you are cracking me up.I think Steve has had it way to easy over here ,and I am learning alot from you guy's.I have alway's done the yard work so we have time to play with all our toy's. You guy's really know how to mow a lawn? Mmmmm STEVE you better get in here,LOL.

HEY! Wait a minute....It was a joke. We don't know how to mow a lawn or anything else for that matter. I was kidding. Don't get Steve. He's probably watching a football game or something. No, I lied. Last time I tried to wash windows I broke three of them. No,,,,yardwork is supposed to be part of house work. Wives and singel men do that. OOPS, screwed that up again, didn't I? Oh well, .......

Dan AZ
Son, you better quit while you still have a few friends in here!

MD4me, ignore anything Danr says, he is less than credible. He IS a senoir member on this board and obviously suffering the afflictions of old age.
Screwed up real good Dan ,LOL. Not to worry Steve is out tring to nuke a dog or two.Im real lucky he isnt into football,just the hunting stuff.I went and kicked him out today so he could try out that new rifle,so I was thinking Id go start doing some laundry (hang in here with me it gets good)so I start running the water to the sink in the laundry room ,grab the faucet to move it and it comes off in my hand.So now im standing there all wet with water spraying all over, the dog comes in and looks at me like (you know ,your an idot, but I love you anyway).What a day.Thank god for the dog.

Shadowrider,How senoir? like can he still run faster and jump higher then me? I know he can out shoot me.Gotta have all the facts first,wouldnt want to go get into any trouble.LOL Hey Dan did you see Steve posted? Ask him how many coyote's him and his buddy got the other day.Get him a new gun and he still can shoot straight.LOL

Uh? Did someone call me? I thought I heard my name. Oh Hi there everyone. I seem to recall being here not long ago, but not sure what we were talking about? I sure hope I haven't been having a senior moment. Have I said anything that would embarass anyone? If so, I apologize. If not, I'll try harder next time. Deb, I gave up running and jumping in 1965 when I got back from Viet Nam. I now restrict my activities to running my lips and jumping to conclusions. Now that I am single again, I have to start doing that for myself. Now, tell me about Steve and his new rifle and why the dogs are safer. This sounds like a great story.

Dan AZ

[This message has been edited by danr55 (edited 01-02-2001).]
Danr - I share your feelings about running. The military drove any desire to run right out of me! They also pretty much ruined my knees for that, anyway. Tell us about the new rifle, Muledeer4me or Steve!
I seem to have that lip thing going too.Steve just started posting a while ago-Ivust Huntmore-That's my better half.He got this new rifle Rem. m7 7mm-08(because you cant have to many gun's )he has me trained real good. Anyway so they go out to do some calling,and nether one could connect.So being the nice wife that I am I just thought Id pass that on.So now I can call him--Ivust practicemore. LOL He is having alot of fun working up loads for that gun and will start on his 243 next and then---well you know how it goes LOL.

In the event that I should decide to take another bride, she will have to go to MD4ME and take lessons. If she don't pass, then I pass. I only wish I could be so lucky. Steve, you are an extremely lucky man.

Dan AZ
Dan, I will be printing this out and having it enlarged.Maybe putting up over the TV.LOL Man I hope Steve doesnt start posting with the real truth and burst my bubble.OK OK I dont cook.

Cook schmook. You buy him rifles for Christmas and send him out coyote shooting so you can do housework. What more could a guy ask for (on the internet)? That's OK. You should still put it in a book that would become required reading for all prospective hunters wives.
By the way, SR, you started this and I neglected to mention that with or without a Chrono, you're always welcome to hang out here. (In case you didn't know that.)
Dan AZ

[This message has been edited by danr55 (edited 01-03-2001).]