WND....I've been kinda letting things settle dowsn a bit, because I think maybe I was hunting the spot a little too hard.....but I do keep getting pics of him, I just haven't had time to upload and post any.....I have recently found some awesome rubs and have set a camera over them as...
Back in my younger days, we messed around with some mace while at a party.......let me tell you, don't get the stuff on your hands !! My memory vividly recalls when I went out back to take a leak after many brews......privates (not army) can be on fire without a flame:eek: .......I ran to my...
Early Wednesday morning, while it was too dark to see anything but shadows, there was a buck within 8-10 yards of me, scraping and thrashing some brush.......I could just barely see his silhouette, but I couldn't tell which buck it was.....maybe it was him ?!?
I put up another camera, further up the creek bottom, to see if I could locate which direction he might be coming in from.......I got several of him in this new location.......here's the best one though....
And then in my regualr cam location, I switched out batteries, and somehow screwed up...
With the big rain coming in for today, I knew that yesterday would be a great chance to move a stand, as the rain would wash away any scent I left behind.......and while I was there I made sure to pic up my memory card from my trail camera.......
Here is his from yesterday morning....right at...
Updated pics of Leroy
Still after this guy.......saw him yesterday evening....the recent cold snap has them moving early......gonna be in my stand the next several nights after work......I'll keep you all posted......
Thanks Guys......I've been hunting him pretty regular....had a close call second day of season as he was sticking around till just about daybreak.......other than that, he is still coming around that corn field anywhere from 2:30 to about 5:30.........I've been trying hard lately to find out...
I don't know....that's kinda what I was always lead to beleive Blue Tongue was....a population disease....mother nature keeping things in check......
We get it here in western ND about every 5 years it seems.......now that I think about it, we're probably due, cause it sure seems like it's been...
A lot of Archery seasons are in full swing, so I imagine alot of folks are pretty busy......I only got back online tonight after well over a week......I voted as soon as I saw your post.....
GH, I happened to have been listening to the Jim Croce tune "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown" when I was looking at the first pics I ever got of him.......seemed fitting at the time that this buck looked bad enough to me......:)
Good luck on Elk........one of these years I'm gonna get drawn....:(
Ya, I've lived in NoDak my entire life, and I've never understood that start time......I would have loved to been hunting this morning....we had a cold front move in, and it is absolutely beautiful right now.....oh well, tomorrow morning we're gonna hit it early......
These pics I post are from...
Our archery opener is tomorrow at noon.........so I just had to check one of trail cams which is in the area of my set-up for "Leroy......my treestand is about 20 yards to the right of this pic, right along a nice corn-field edge.......he's been traveling it pretty consistantly from 4:00am till...
Oak, I have notifed Ebay about this several times over..........it is a scam through and through, no doubt...........
A guy has got to remember, if it seems to good to be true, it normally is.
Most of these style of scam auctions are listed for only 24 hours, and naormally ask for some sort of...
That's a great goat and a beauty of a shot.........
This year, I may not even get a chance to go chase goats with bow gear.....we've got our annual outage coming up, here at the plant I work at.....6 weeks of long hours...the checks will be nice, but I'd still rather be out flingin arrows....