
T-MINUS 17 HOURS...and counting...


New member
Jan 12, 2004
Our archery opener is tomorrow at I just had to check one of trail cams which is in the area of my set-up for " treestand is about 20 yards to the right of this pic, right along a nice corn-field edge.......he's been traveling it pretty consistantly from 4:00am till right at Sun-up.......hope I can catch him coming by late.....

inrut, what brand camara are you using?
good luck.
Good luck. I hope he comes by real late. That is a wierd start time for an opener. I bet you wish it was at daylight. Good luck again and shoot straight.
Ya, I've lived in NoDak my entire life, and I've never understood that start time......I would have loved to been hunting this morning....we had a cold front move in, and it is absolutely beautiful right now.....oh well, tomorrow morning we're gonna hit it early......

These pics I post are from a Leaf River DC2-BU model.......I've got nearly 90 pics of this big buck so far, and he definitely doesnt' spook from the flash, LOL

Here's a pic of another nice buck that showed up also.....I'd definitely be happy with either.....

Good luck man, nice looking whitetails. One question, why "Leroy"? Why not Blueballs, Loadtamer, or Frenchtickler? More fitting names if you ask me.

Our archery season opens tomorrow, but who would hunt deer when elk season opens on the same day?? :D I may not get an elk, but I will certainly drink some beer.

Shoot straight.
GH, I happened to have been listening to the Jim Croce tune "Bad, Bad Leroy Brown" when I was looking at the first pics I ever got of him.......seemed fitting at the time that this buck looked bad enough to me......:)

Good luck on of these years I'm gonna get drawn....:(
Well Iminrut, hows it coming...? Haven't heard anything about the good one your after...give us an update if you can. PS is it you that has the Cuddeback pics on that "other" site ;) ??
Thanks Guys......I've been hunting him pretty regular....had a close call second day of season as he was sticking around till just about daybreak.......other than that, he is still coming around that corn field anywhere from 2:30 to about 5:30.........I've been trying hard lately to find out where he is bedding at.......I used to think it was in a nearby wood lot on a neighbors land that i don't have permission on.......................but lately I've been thinking different, since one night as I was glassing the area, he popped up out of no-where....from a different direction.....

So me thinks, he is crossing open prairie drainages to get to this area........two mornings ago we had a heavy dew, so the gravel roads were wet on top......I headed down the road in that area, real slow, and watched for any gravel that may have been turned up........wouldn't you know, I did find two different areas about 200 yards apart, where deer had recently crossed........

So, I've got my work cut out for either get lucky and catch him staying out to late.....or getting even more scouting in and find his bedding spot, and then catching him there before he comes back.......

I'll try to post some more pics, when i get home from work.......;)
Updated pics of Leroy

Still after this guy.......saw him yesterday evening....the recent cold snap has them moving early......gonna be in my stand the next several nights after work......I'll keep you all posted......


With the big rain coming in for today, I knew that yesterday would be a great chance to move a stand, as the rain would wash away any scent I left behind.......and while I was there I made sure to pic up my memory card from my trail camera.......

Here is his from yesterday morning....right at first light......things are starting to look up !!:)

Man, everytime I see your name on this thread I get more excited about opening it. Glad he is still around hopefully you get him soon.
...that is one very nice buck...good luck patterning him.

btw....have you decided on a mount pose yet?

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