just got my "bear hunting" magazine today and in the back is a diagram of a blackie. it shows the heart and lungs between the front legs. so when i take my shot at my bear should it be into the shoulder or just behind the front leg like on a pig?
right on delw! she is mad at me because i spent $900 on backbacking gear, and i've been hounding her for this german shorthair pointer lately. so AZ was sort of the "nail of the coffin"! even told her it would only be a few hundred dollars. she told me to quit call this morning.
but let me know...
my wife won't let me go!!! it'd piising me off!! i told she could see her frind and she still siad no. she says i "got to much on my plate"!! i'll still work on her but AZ doesn't look good for the fall. spring maybe? until then i will keep roaming the woods out here. :mad:
an outfitter by the name of arizona hunting adventures out of tucson? i was searching the web and came across his page and he is about $500-$1000 cheaper then most of the others out here in the west(west of the rockies).
i want a bear so bad i can taste it!! it's becomeing unbearable!!! :D and...
i bought a camtrakker about 6 months ago and it's just been collecting dust in the safe! it's partly because i'm a bnit lazy but mostly because i don't trust people...not even myself! i paid nearly $500 for it and don't want to loose it OR get it stolen! :confused: i originally got it to get...
where did you learn to skin and gut an animal? i haven't had to yet but my time is coming soon and i don't work to screw it up. is it a reading thing or just a trial and error thing. how do i know where and what to cut and more important where do i stop before i go too far? this question...
kiote what sound did you use? and how did you do the calling sequence? just like you'd call coyotes?
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 21 June 2001 21:00: Message edited by: californiacoyotes ]</font>
have any of you called bears in. if so, what did you use, how long did you call for, and what state do you live in or lived in when you called 'em?
never mind just checkout their web site! but what is the difference betwen the non resident special whick is $295 and the non resident which is $100 cheaper? both include the application fee but are still different. what is so special about the "special"?
i have never tried scent hiding clothes but i have tried the soap, cover scent(skunk, and a few pees...i most call coyotes), even a ghiulle suit. i have tried two decoys...first one is a weasle ball with a large rabbit skin with the head and ears attached and the other is just a stuffed animal...
i don't know much about material but maybe something like they make backpacks(at least gregory) out of. it's a rip stop fabric. seems like it would be warm but breathable. warm for the cool nights but cool for the warm days.??? maybe your windstopper is simular to this?