arizona bear hunters...ya ever hear of...

californiacoyotes -

Be very careful. You usually get what you pay for.

I understand how you feel, used to, h*ll, sitll do sometimes.

I would suggest you forgo the guide and do it yourself.

If you need any pointers just ask.
an outfitter by the name of arizona hunting adventures out of tucson? i was searching the web and came across his page and he is about $500-$1000 cheaper then most of the others out here in the west(west of the rockies).

i want a bear so bad i can taste it!! it's becomeing unbearable!!! :D and i can't go back out scouting until a week and a half AFTER the 4th of july!! :mad:

i wanna bear damn it!!!!
CC theres alot of bear and lion guides here in az that are alot cheaper than anywhere in the usa.. most of them are very successful...
but you still need to do some checking on them.
You wana go bear hunting here let me know i go every year for archery and rifle season. its only 2 hours from my house to were i go also and I live in phx.

my wife won't let me go!!! it'd piising me off!! i told she could see her frind and she still siad no. she says i "got to much on my plate"!! i'll still work on her but AZ doesn't look good for the fall. spring maybe? until then i will keep roaming the woods out here. :mad:
spring is by draw only , was thinking about putting in for the spring one this next year..I'll let you know when the draw is..

right on delw! she is mad at me because i spent $900 on backbacking gear, and i've been hounding her for this german shorthair pointer lately. so AZ was sort of the "nail of the coffin"! even told her it would only be a few hundred dollars. she told me to quit call this morning.

but let me know when the draw is. i'll have some vacation time then(review is in jan. and i already used up my days this year).
Just keep pesting her until she tells you to go to hell. I lived in Arizona for 10 years it's not hell, but you can see it from there. Anyway it's on the way:D
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