Since if A = B and B = C, then A = C, then it follows that if hunting = game farm shoots and game farm shoots = simple meat slaughter, then hunting = simple meat slaughter. I’m not sure this is Tom’s conclusion, but I hope not.
If Bubba calls up 100%-Success-Bulls-Are-Us and says he wants to...
Nothing I’d like to have banned is coming to mind. I don’t even think banning game farm shoots is appropriate. In this thread I’ve just described my interpretation of what happened in Montana. I think these shoots are a horrible thing and that they are terrible for legitimate hunting. I wish...
I apologize if this topic has been discussed before. I must have missed it. I'd still like to discuss it however. As I would never stoop to shooting a deer or elk in an enclusure, I would shoot a privately owned buffalo. I have justified this to myself in my own mind (with rationale similar...
I'm wondering about the opions here on this.... if you are against game farm shoots of elk and/or deer, do you feel the same about buffalo? Why or why not?
If it was about cheap, sleezy, mismanaged, etc. business practices funded by public funds, why ban the activity rather than fix what was wrong with it?
Tom, I think you are missing my point. Of course the anit's don't like any kind of hunting. But it's not them we have to worry about, its the non-hunters (who are more rational, in general) and the anit-hunter influence over them.
If you randomly picked a representation from the non-hunting...
For what it's worth, my dad and I saw a pair of wolves chasing a coyote in the Jamez mountains of norhtern New Mexico in the late 70's. We reported it to the Fish and Game Dept. and were told we were wrong.... that there were no wolves in NM. A short while later, a buddy of mine saw wolves in...
It is not the non-hunting community that threatens our lifestyle; it is the anti-hunting community. Big difference. It will ultimately be left in the hands of the non-hunters, as they make up the majority. But we sportsman have (or could have if we were organized and far-enough-sighted) just...
Gila... you think the anti-canned hunt movement was started by the... oh my God... 'liberal press'? Got any other good conspiracy theories?
The movement in Montana was initiated and run through by sportsman. These sportsman decided to define what hunting ought to be and what it would be known...
The notes Tom posted don't agree with what was told to me by one of the presenters. I was let to believe that nobody with an opposing position actually spoke. Must have been a miscommunication.
Also, the person stated in the notes as representing the RMEF was not. He was representing...
The Agriculture Committee shot down the bill that would ban high-fence hunts. Speaking for the ban where the Colorado Wildlife Foundation, the Mule Deer Foundation, the Colorado Bowhunters Association, and the Colorado Outfitters Association. Speaking against the ban were..... well..... nobody.
Opposing arguments were presented to legislative committee yesterday on a bill to outlaw high-fence game shoots in Colorado. It is unclear if it will make it out of committee this year, but if it doesn't it will come up again. Then, look for a ballot initiative in 2004.
The commissioners have been working on this for three years according to someone I know that knows the ex-county commissioner that spearheaded this. It might just be some wacky way to make a political statement, but they do seem dedicated to it.
I also understand that if this effort progresses...
Oak, I heard it from a fellow RMEF committee person that is pretty well connected with people in the machine. I don't know who or even if anyone is spearheading a defense against this. I'm not sure how widely its known. I didn't have any idea about it till the other night.
I doubt the RMEF...
If I recall correctly, mountain lion/human encounters did increase after lion hunting was banned in CA. I'm not sure how significant the increase was, however. Lion/pet/livestock encounters I seem to remember were going up too. Moreso than lion/human meetings (as one would expect). I was not...
I just heard last night that a bill will be introduced to the Colorado legislature next year to outlaw mountain lion hunting in Colorado. This, evidently, is being spearheaded by that chimpanzee woman. With the continuing Californication of Colorado, this probably has a good chance of passing...