I think 1_pointer hit it best, stock differences and fit will make a bigger difference. I can tell the difference between a REM Model 7 and a Kimber 84, both in 7mm-08.
One thing you could do is rent some of the equipment you would need, like a good tent. I'm not sure that they still do it but REI used to rent packs, tents, sleeping bags, etc... not sure where their stores are in relation to you but I could only guess Colorado must have some stores that...
When I had a .338 I shot primarily 250 grain bullets, until the 225 Accubond came out. I think that bullet is a great combination for the gun. It'll hit hard and give you good range for some longer shots.
I think either rifle would suit you fine. Another option would be a Remington model 7 with a compact or youth stock. Both my daughters have those, one in .243, the other in 7mm-08. But both of mine have the 20 inch barrels instead of 18 1/2.
My oldest is 19 now and still barely tips the...
My local cable company doesn't offer the Sportsman channel so I can't watch the latest episodes of Fresh Tracks. I've been able to catch past episodes via YouTube. Is there another way to catch up on the most recent shows?
I think either of those two would work, but like others stated already I would opt for the 150 if accuracy was the same. If it were the difference between a 140 and 150 then I'd say whichever shot best. If you could find some 140 Accubonds, like suggested, then I'd try those too.
I have a pair of Viper HD's in 10x42. I have been a diehard Leupold fan for years, and still am. I use a pair of Leupold 8x42's in the timber and the Vipers out in big open country. At the time I didn't think Leupold was making a comparable set of binos to the Viper HD's, as they had...
A little hard to tell but it looks like the bit slipped and gouged it up when they were tightening it. Depending on their customer service they may not replace it. Their argument would be they have no idea what you did once you left the store. I wouldn't be overly happy about it but it may...
I really like the Leupold VX 3 in the 2.5-8x36. I like the size and how they fit on the rifle. I also like the lower magnification when hunting in the timber or river bottoms.