ya i have always had the rubber tubing theres really not a worse then being at full draw on your brand new bow and not being able to see, it took away alot of worries when i started see the fletchings touch lol
thanks for all the input fellas, i went today and got a peep with rubberband and my d-loop was high so they moved it down and i had it dialed in to 3 shots 2inch group at 20.. thanks
well i used to shoot a 28" draw and this came 29" so i moved it to 28 which helped some.. then i retuned the rest so that the arrow lines up with the tuning mark down the center that helped some... but im still gettting inconsistant results and the peep does not always open up for me.. granted...
Alright guys time for some more impossible to diagnose without seeing shooting questions
On my to bow, i keep hitting low and left, and my peep does not rotate all the way open at full draw. Ive heard 2 things,
1. get my draw length shortened
2. slide peep up string a little
Any opinions?
Has anyone used this? i was looking at it yesterday at the archery shop and it just seems way to good to be true? They have it set up and a demo bow there and it works as advertised on there target i just was wondering if anyone has used it in the field?
Thanks Fellas
i agree ive been doin alot of research and the bloodrunners do lost kinetic energy so count them out.. by the way i had it narrowed down to about 5 then you listed all of those thanks alot @#$ just kidding lol.. im open to any and all suggestions and i think alot of guys are the same way you...
not wanting to beat the dead horse, but ive been searching the sight for a good thread on broadhead selection and cant find any, can anyone remember any that i could look at? and if not help me out im looking for new broadhead to shoot i want fixed blade but just want some in the field opinions...
well i dont actually have a bow right now as my old one is being shipped out and my new one is being shipped in but it will be
a pse stinger
whiskerbiscuit rest
Truglo sight
goldtip arrows with 2" blazer
Unsure of broadhead yet OPEN to suggestions