Peep/ accuracy problems


New member
Nov 22, 2009
camp point , Illinois
Alright guys time for some more impossible to diagnose without seeing shooting questions
On my to bow, i keep hitting low and left, and my peep does not rotate all the way open at full draw. Ive heard 2 things,
1. get my draw length shortened
2. slide peep up string a little
Any opinions?
If the peep does not rotate all the way "open" when you draw back the solution is simple. Get a new peep put on your bow that has the rubber tubing tied to the bow string. This will bring the peep into perfect postion everytime.

Once that problem is solved.... I would then tackle the problem of accuracy. As you already know. "chase the arrow" with the sight pins.

What I would not do is shorten the draw length if it is already correct for you. THat will just make bad form.

good luck to all
the dog
well i used to shoot a 28" draw and this came 29" so i moved it to 28 which helped some.. then i retuned the rest so that the arrow lines up with the tuning mark down the center that helped some... but im still gettting inconsistant results and the peep does not always open up for me.. granted this is only about the 10th arrow ive shot from the bow my old bow i could put 6 arrows in a nickle at 20 yds.. so im lost lol
This is what I've been told: In order to get your peep to rotate to the same place every time it usually takes around a 100 shots. Seems how the peep isn't aligning right...get the peep site retied in so that it rotates to be fully open. Don't mess with your draw length if it is right for you and don't slide your peep up...this can cause you to have to change your anchor point. Anchor where it is comfortable for you and anchor there every time. Someone that is good in the archery shop should be able to adjust your peep to the location that works for your prefered anchor point.

Oh and one other thing, check your arrow rest tune by paper tuning....can save a lot of head ache.
Your string is nothing more than a twisted bundle of roving, similar to a steel cable. As the line tension increases and decreases in the string (because of the shifting load from the string side to the takeup side of the cam) the "roving" will stretch or shrink, twisting and untwisting accordingly. At brace, the string is under the greatest load and will "unwind" as it's drawn back.
Custom string makers build their strings under greater line tension that they will see in the bow. The result, is the string doesn't unwind as it's drawn back.

So, you can add the rubber band and it will pull the peep into alignment, until it breaks, or you can get a custom string that won't unwind as it's drawn back.
Raising the peep isn't a solution to a mis aligned peep.
Changing draw length isn't a solution to a mis aligned peep.
Set your draw length where it needs to be, based on your body.
Set your loop length where it needs to be for proper shot execution.
Set your peep where it needs to be based on your anchor, face, and distances you'll be shooting.
Set your string rotation so the peep is aligned. If the peep rotates differing amounts, you'll tend to shoot left and right as the light changes.
All this stuff can be done by a "competent" archery shop.
I ,myself, am sold on what a good bowshop can do to your bow and shooting ability.I took my 2 bows to a pro shop this past winter to have them tuned properly.I've never shot so good in my life.if you have a few dollars, then take it to a bow shop to have it set up perfectly for you.Its money well spent,and you owe it to the animals you shoot at to be the best you can be with accuracy
The peep may be tied in to tight or maybe your release loop is cockeyed on your string try giving the loop a 1/4 twist to see if it will straighten out the peep.Also a good quality string can make a differance.
First of all I would go to a good bow shop and pay the money to have them set it up. Once the strings stretch in you will need to have your string studded a touch so the peep rotates correctly.

As far as the draw Length get that fixed and set before you do anything else. That is the most important part of shooting a bow. After you correctly have that set you can worry about all the other aspects of shooting a bow and sighting it in.
thanks for all the input fellas, i went today and got a peep with rubberband and my d-loop was high so they moved it down and i had it dialed in to 3 shots 2inch group at 20.. thanks
Congrats!!! Nothing like a pro shop that knows what they are doing. I have shot with the rubber tubing peep for 20+ years. The only recommendation that I will make is for you to check the tubing before the archery season starts (every year). The ends of the tubing may "dry-rot". Solution... just cut off the bad portion, usually an inch or so and re-attach the tubing. Or just replace the tubing every year for a $1.

good luck to all
the dog
ya i have always had the rubber tubing theres really not a worse then being at full draw on your brand new bow and not being able to see, it took away alot of worries when i started see the fletchings touch lol

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