Caribou Gear Tarp

Practice Time/How much/ How often?


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2010
Gods Country, Colorado
So I'm getting things going along with my new bow and after the first few session I'm noticing which muscles are the most in pain.

It got me thinking about how much I should be shooting. I'm trying to go and shoot 3-4 six arrow groups per session. Right now I might be doing this 2x a day to help build up arm strength. At home I'm limited to between 10-20yds.

Does this sound right?

How much/often do y'all practice? Do you vary your ranges?

I try to shoot every evening. I shoot 10-12 three arrow groups from 30-50 yards. 20 yards is probably fine until you get comfortable with the bow, but I'd find somewhere where you can at least get out to 40 yards.
I've been shooting since March. 4 sets of 3 arrows each at 10, 20, 30 and 40 yards when I started. My groups are small enough out to 30 that I'm shooting fewer arrows up close (don't wanna ruin them all!).
I still shoot a dozen each at 30 and 40 yards and now and then I'll send a couple downrange at 50 yards. At 30/40 yards I throw a flyer every 20 or 25 arrows and I'm ok with that but at 50 yards I suffer enough loss of accuracy that I don't intend to shoot out there.
My wife started shooting at the same time but only shoots out to 30. She shoots fewer arrows-about half- but she could hit a pop can 25 outta 25 tries on a calm day.
I'm praying for a calm opener in SE Idaho:D
im not really a fan of shooting mass qtys of arrows. once you get the bow sighted in go out and do a real life scenario, climb up in a stand or on top of your garage or sit or kneel, maybe do some pushups or walk briskly to get your heartrate up like it will when that big one steps out, or do anything other than just stand 20 yds from target and fling arrows at it. Take one arrow out with you (one arrow is all you should ever need when hunting) and say alright i have one arrow make one good shot in each of the scenarios you create.. i like this because its alot more realistic than shooting repetitive arrows at the same target from exactly 20yds just my take on things..
To be honest about 5 years ago I had a guy teach me proper form and release.Shot alot of arrows at 60-70yards for a year.Now a couple weeks before season is about all I shoot anymore.With the tecnology of todays bows and sights,rest,ect if you have good form and shot exacuition you wont need a whole lot of practice unless you are pulling to much poundage and need to get your muscle memory built up wich is one reason I only shoot 50#.
I shoot all year long and I've got my bow sighted all the way to 80 yds for practice purposes. When it's slow at work or home I shoot constantly, but now even with the season fast approaching I'm only shooting a couple times a week. I'm focusing on my fitness levels and as long as everything is ok each time I go out, I don't feel the need to shoot every single day. It's not going to hurt to shoot more. I'm just comfortable at this point. I shoot 3" group with six arrows at 40 yds. I'm ok with that. Just do what the other guys here do and mix it up a lot. When you realize you're confident in your shooting you could slow it down a bit.
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