well i am actually in littleton, but started meeting people so its not as bad, going to actually go to the rockies game this weekend and have a bbq with the few people i know, next to the pool of course
So...... after a 10 hour drive to get here, it takes me an hour and a half just to find my appartment, even using mapquest it still was that long, i hate bigger cities, they are to damn confusing. But if anyone in the area knows of things that i can do to get used to this place let me know, i...
Well in looking online and speaking with a few vets in my area as well as our animal control, i have recieved different information from everyone on which breed is most likely to bite, some say german shepard, others say small brreds like dashcunds top the list, i've also heard Golden retrievers...
So... i'm sure noone here cares, but pro skater Rob Dyrdek broke 21 world records in one day. All were judged for guiness, and i think its kinda cool to be good enough to do that much in one day, pretty talented person if you ask me
on number 7 they left out driving through a snow storm when you can't see the road, if i'm gay for using both hands at that time, then you can count every man in the country that drives through snow gay,
but i do like number 9 good add on
buzz when receiving a letter in iraq stating that they do not support troops or the war, would you trust a website or someone who has recieved the letter, i could care less about starbucks, i don't drink coffee, but with the number of friends i have serving in the millitary in iraq and...
don't have one, don't really need one,
but CAli vs TExas im a cage, i'm thinkin my money is on cali, don't know why, they just enjoy killin people there
i'll check my sources, oh wait my sources are that of soldiers that have been in iraq, and recieved letters after the intial donation saying that they no longer support troops or the effort, sorry a website doesn't do shit compared to friends personal expeirence
You know the starbucks has spoken outwardly about not supporting the war in iraq and the do not support the troops either, just letting you know the the people at starbucks are not the type of people i would think you want to be associated with
well mister moosie. i had a nice conversation with the older brother last night and it seems to me you been lying to all of us. I know your still eating that much, and i also know that doesn't affect you at all either, but lets get some things strait here.
Running 4 miles a day, yeah i know...
thanks, i was wondering cause i hear all these stories of big old toms that whey in around 200 pounds, and wasn't thinkin i would get one that big and if it was worth it to mount a smaller one
Blah Blah Blah you guys can argue as long as you want but to get back on topic, i am going to try to get myself a kitty this year, in idaho, with a general tag
yeah, it sounds good and all that he cares for animals,
but its not going to pull my vote that he cares for animals, Ron Paul is still the front runner for me
So i will probably end up finally going on a Cat hunt this year, was supposed to last year, but the guy i was going to go with that had the hounds broke his colar bone and didn't get out,
Question is, i'm hunting the South east idaho areas, and what would you think a good size cat would be for...
he was actually near dubois when he hit, and no didn't pull the backstraps, it has been cleaned up out of the median, but when the truck was towed into idaho falls, it was still there, the police officer that responded to the call actually took my dad back to the carcass and took the pictures...