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Mini Moose

New member
Dec 10, 2000
Pocatello, ID, USA
So...... after a 10 hour drive to get here, it takes me an hour and a half just to find my appartment, even using mapquest it still was that long, i hate bigger cities, they are to damn confusing. But if anyone in the area knows of things that i can do to get used to this place let me know, i only have sundays off, so the options could be limited
A Colorado Rockies game is always a good time. If that's not your thing, head to Estes Park and then into the Rocky Mountain National Park, that place is awesome!
Just stay out of Boulder unless you want to go see and be around some of the most ridiculous people on the planet, in fact, boulderites should have to live on their own planet. I apologize for the one real human being that lives there only because he has to:)
well i am actually in littleton, but started meeting people so its not as bad, going to actually go to the rockies game this weekend and have a bbq with the few people i know, next to the pool of course
well i am actually in littleton, but started meeting people so its not as bad, going to actually go to the rockies game this weekend and have a bbq with the few people i know, next to the pool of course

Must have been a very good reason to leave Pocatello for the Denver area. I grew up in the city (which will remain nameless) on the other side of Fort Hall. Twenty seven years was too much. Glad I got out when I did, but hate the drive back to that side of the state for hunting.

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