Sorry everyone, I was to late to post a good morning. I would like to wish everyone to have a good day.
Ronnie and Dick I hope that the two of you are felling well.
My best day of hunting is when I can go with my wife and/or friends and/or family or even when I am by myself. Wheither I bring home a animal or not. With out a doubt a day in the field is always a best day. With a heafty work load and less than enough time off to hunt and fish. Every trip...
When I am calling I also use gut fellings when on stand whether to stay, call more, less, leave now, stay a while longer, move to a new vantage point to watch where I just was.
That's a hard question. Get what make you happy. When buying a scope I get the best glass I can squeeze out of the check book. My next scope will be a Burris. I want to give them a go.
I basicly have two types of terrain to hunt on, woods and fields. The woods I hunt on are owned by a timber company the one tract that I primaryly hunt on is triangle shaped. One of the side is approx 21-22 miles long the base is about 15 miles and theother leg is about 18 miles long. When I...