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What type of .223 bullet would you recommend for Javelina?


New member
Sep 11, 2003
I like using my .223 on Javelina, but the load and bullet I have used fragments quickly causing excessive meat damage. I am thinking I want a bullet that stays together a little better. Anyone with any suggestions for bullets and pet loads on this one? Thank you and Good Luck, JLG.
I am going to try the 63 (or is it 64?) gr Winchester Power Point in my .223 for deer or pig. Not that I would try to punch through the gristle plate on a big boar with one, but on a meat pig or a head shot, they should work fine. Many people have talked about using this bullet on deer, so I will give it a try.

My thought is to load it so it hits about the same spot at 100 yards as my varmint round, whatever velocity that may work out to be. Then I can just carry a few of these rounds with me for targets of opportunity.
I shoot 55 grain Hornady soft points (not the sx or v max) and it stays together very well, Including quarting on and butt first angles. Test subjects were 25-40 pound coyotes.
I think they make a 22 caliber nosler partition. I'd bet that would be the best bullet you could use on javelina.

I also think Cali Hunter recommended about the second best bullet thats readily available.

If you're having fragmentation problems, try using a 243 or something heavier...problem solved without any special bullets. I'd bet the 243-25/06 calibers would work great on javelina. I've only killed them with arrows, so I'm just guessing.
Nosler makes a 60gr Partition and I'd think any of the Barnes X bullets from 50gr on up would work. Slydog has used them successfully on deer. I'm also read of others having success with the 64gr Win Powerpoint or 63gr Sierra on deer/antelope.
Nosler 60 gr, or the Barnes 53gr should hold up pretty well, provided you don't try to bust a foreleg. The Barnes Triple Shock, might give you a bit better vol.(?), than the standard X bullet, or the Nosler.

Barnes XLC in 45,50 or 53 gr very accurate tremendous pennetration, 99% weight retention. I use the barnes in 222, 223, 260, 308, 7 mag. The results have made me a believer.
Maineiac, What size critters have you taken with the .222/.223 Barnes. Javelina go about 35/40 pounds on average. I am looking for a load that will hit them hard and stone them in their tracks, on a well placed shot. It maybe a tall order for this light a caliber, but I just want to use the best bullet I can. To everyone who has responsed Thank You and Good Luck, JLG.
The Barnes X will be more that sufficient for those little tuskers. The controlled expansion and max wieght retention will be just what you are looking for. A friend of mine hunts Texas quite a bit I will find out if he has shot a pig with a .224 X or XLC. Deer are comonly taken with the X an d XLC.
Pulled the trigger on a 100 Barnes 50 Gr XLC's in .224, a pound of H322 and a Barnes loading manual. One $1 short of a $100 bucks. Havn't loaded shells in a couple of years. I think the last time I did it was .223. It's time to fire-up the Dillion and crankem out. Thanks again for everyones imput. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks I can tell you all the story of how the 50 Grs. of screaming fury dropped my pig in it's tracks, Good Luck, JLG.
Mainieiac, Did I miss something in the Barnes Manual on case overall length. I looked all through it and I couldn't find anything that gave C.O.A., Thanks and Good Luck, JLG. P.S. I have manual #3.

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