Washington Hunter
Well-known member
Has anybody tried the new triple shocks? I've got a box of the 140 grain in 270. I'm planning on loading them up with H4350 and shooting them through a chronograph this weekend. All I've ever loaded for my 270 is 150 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips with 58 grains of H4831. Last weekend I loaded 5 with 52.0 grains of H4350 and 5 with 52.5 H4350, using the 150 Ballistic Tip. I also shot a 5 shot group with my standard load of 58 grains H4831. The H4831 gave an average velocity of 2918, and the 52.5 of H4350 gave 2888, only 30 fps less. All groups were good, right at 1 inch. What I'm wondering is should I use similar charges of powder with the 140 grain Triple Shock? I'm out of H4831 at the moment, so I'm only trying the H4350 for now. If I get lucky and end up with a good group, I'll probably just continue using the H4350. Just curious about any experience anybody here may have with reloading with the Triple Shocks. Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-03-2004 23:14: Message edited by: Washington Hunter ]</font>
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-03-2004 23:14: Message edited by: Washington Hunter ]</font>