Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

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  1. M

    Wake up Sly

    Did you fall asleep again at the computer again or just forget to turn it off.
  2. M

    Good morning everyone

    Morning Sly, Just wanted to wish everyone a good morning (I think this should be early enough) Ronnie and Dick I hope that the two of you are felling well.
  3. M

    My new open reed Howler-Distress

    Song Dog are all of the barrels wood or can they be cow horn or antler.
  4. M

    money and hunting

    I feel very fortunate, there is a few timber companys here in Maine that own a total of 2.5 million acres. That property has public access for recreation and hunting.
  5. M


    I am a little curious about this. This past year I saw tracks that were just huge. These tracks were close to the size that my lab makes. This year I will be carring a disposible camera with me to the field.
  6. M


    1. Do any of you believe that wolves and coyotes inter breed? 2. Do you think that you have any of these in your areas?
  7. M

    Question for Blaine Eddy

    I don't think that they are dark. In fact they are a very light gray. They unofficial theory is that they have cross breed with the Gray wolf. Yes they are big. This past winter there were three coyotes traveling. I set a Sceery AP-6 in the track. The mouth piece was at the middle claw...
  8. M

    Coyote Season?

    Elkchsr also the expanding range of the coyote and it being able to thrive in any habitat.
  9. M

    Good morning...

    It is no longer good morning, but to all of you have a good day. I hope that all of you that don't have to work are enjoying your weekend.
  10. M

    Question for Blaine Eddy

    This far north we get good prime fur. But the prices stink 22 last year was what they paid.
  11. M

    Question for Blaine Eddy

    Here in northern Maine if you wait too long the damn thing will be frozen to the bed of your truck. At -30 it don't take long and they be stiff.
  12. M

    Coyote Season?

    I am aware of Pa. From 1995 until 2002 I lived in Pa. On the east side. Just south of the Poconos.
  13. M

    Coyote Season?

    Doug, here in Maine Bobcat and Fox open in Oct. Bob ends in Feb, fox ends in april. Coyote is year around and from Jan 1 to April 30 we can night hunt. The game commission does change the Bobcat and Fox limits and season from time to time based on populations.
  14. M

    Is it.

    Very cool Ronnie. That is a great shot. Tom
  15. M

    Varmit Hunter

    Hello Ronnie, How are you doing? I hope that you are well. You are in my thoughts. Tom <FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-11-2003 14:31: Message edited by: Maineiac the original ]</font>
  16. M

    New Begginings!

    Ya, she ain't bad for a white girl with all her teeth under 200 pounds. I like that ar tact 20 that you have going there is sweet. Christmas is comeing soon. She is good last year for Christmas she got me a Sig Sauer in a 308.
  17. M

    Fur friendly 6mm bullets?

    Sounds like a fun little toy, enjoy it and let us know how you like it.
  18. M

    Sly's telephone call

    Just think of all of that new spare time. More time to coyote hunt. Good luck to you.
  19. M

    New Begginings!

    I also have a new gun. My wife heard me talking about different cals that I was thinking about. A family friend owns a gun shop and she when over and bought me a Browning A-bolt stainless stalker in a 260 Rem.
  20. M

    Welcome Rich Higgins

    Hello and welcome to Moosie's. I hope that you enjoy your stay.
Caribou Gear

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