The US Fish and Wildlife Service stated in a article in todays paper that in northern Maine we have transient Canadian Gray Wolfs.
Maybe this is why the coyotes are so big here.
SE, that badger post is just about 10 down from the top. At least at the time that I am posting. I don't know if it disappeared and then reappeared but it is here know.
Hello everyone just wanting to wish everyone a good morning. The weather in my neck of woods is nice.
Dick and Ronnie I hope that ya'll are feeling well.
Ya that is what I am used to. Up here they sweat that cut. My buddy puts it up for his horses. Them horses have to have nearly perfect hay. The cows can eat stuff that will kill a horse. He had about 60 acres that went bad, it had rain on it the second day it was down. Here it takes right...
Sounds like my buddies set up minus all the help. But we are so far north we get just one cutting. Our growing season is 120 days. We just cut the Timothy come first snow that grass will barly be mid-calf.
Not getting to go as much as you like to.
QH what you are talking about is how I stragicly place friends that act like that. I use them and their scent as a barrier and I watch the escape route.
My next call gun that I get I want one that has up to 500 yrds range. But that is fur friendly as one could possibly expect with something with that kind of range.
Any suggestions for caliburs?
I was thumbing through a brochure from a outfitter that I do business with in New Brunswick Canada and they offer coyote and bush wolf hunts. Has anyone ever heard of a bush wolf? I was looking at the brochure after he left and am curious.
I tried looking them up on the internet but found...