This past winter was especially brutal. We had many days that the temp with wind chill was in the 40 to 60 below range. With my work sched. I go when I am off. For some strange reason it seems to always be bad weather.
The cool thing is at that temp as you breath in through your nose you...
Morning CW, I will see what I can do about sending down some cooler weather, but only if you send that hot weather any where but here. It will be in the low 70's today last night was low 50's. That be good sleepin weather.
With permission of course the 1st annual East of the Big Muddy...
I am a little scared of being like that ski resort part of dumb and dumber. Metal and 20 below, metal tube froze to my lips, just what I need. I want to kill coyotes, just not from laughter.
Coldnose and Cdog911 thanks for the tips. That sounds like a good idea.
I tried to email but the cyber ghost would not let the message through the firewall to get out of my computer.
I think that I will have to give a call, at least I can operate a phone.
Doug how is everything in your neck of the woods?
Things here are good. If the thunderstorms hold out I am going to try and make a few stands this evening.
I usually don't look forward to going back to Pa. In-laws...enough said.
But this year I can't wait.
Doug any idea's on where to all meet?
I will be in the Strousburg area. I think it probably will be easier for me to come west.
Man dat's a long book, last time I had to count past ten I had ta take off my socks. How many time do I gotta take dem off and on to get ta dat numbah?
Is it 6 or 9 times?
Good morning Ronnie. I hope you are felling well today. We have plenty of both rocks and hills here. But I could go for some fried gator tail with that yeller holansias sauce (fer dippen).
The only thing sad about the Cabelas deal is my wife and I used to bow hunt a game land about 15 minutes north of Hamburg or the new name of the township Cabelas. I am sure that game land will have an overabundance of hunters. But I will always have great memories of bowhunt those autum days...
The history of your farm is cool. I know what you mean about the selling of history. They were even selling the stone houses and tearing them down for the stone. The ones I have seen they built modern houses near them and used the stone for walls at the property edge. What a waste and shame.
That is awsome. One of the things I miss most about Pa. is the farm houses. And so many of them are stone. The eastern part where I used to live there was such a big German influnce and old world craftmanship, most of the farm houses are these awsome field stone houses and barns.