Talk about the blind leading the clueless , this guy Larratt is worried about their 'image' !
The 'image' most people have of these guys are LAZY , FAT-ASSED SLOB HUNTERS who aren't willing to exert any more physical effort than a banana slug on Valium !
When you're the bottom feeders of the...
Detective Ten Beers ,
You claiming to track down illegal ATVers is as ridiculous as Earth First claiming to track down lunatics who spike trees .
I have caught assholes off road on their quads before and when I get through putting the fear of God in them they're usually very polite assholes ...
Ithaca ,
So what you're saying is in 4 years this planet will be a barren wasteland resembling Mars and completely void of all life ?
Scarey !
I say we party like Kennedy's and go out with a bang !
Hey Ten Beers ,
Pass this polite note on to your ATV buddies ;
To the LAZY SLOB HUNTERS who once again decided to ride their quads into my favorite ROADLESS canyon this season ,
Your fathers are coxuckers your mothers are whores , you are the worst thing that has ever happened to hunting ...
Smiling and tired .
(walking is for people who can't afford an ATV , or want to kill a big buck)
Buzz , nice buck , fair chased , now that's huntin !!!
EG ,
Sometimes you are so clueless you sound too stupid to breathe .
S-U-O pimps landowner tags as their primary source of income .
Everyone who draws a tag from now on will write a check to S-U-O or some other commercial hunting business if Lucifer gets his way .
What S-U-O is doing will...
Van Go ,
I didn't say that ... did I ?
Actually he's probably a pretty nice guy who's been blinded by greed and should have his balls cut off so his demonic seed cannot contaminate the rest of the world . That's all I'm saying .
Our wildlife should not be killed for profit or greed , if you can't see that EG then I can't help you to understand this issue , just go back to the ATV discussion with 'Bob' and let the adults handle this .
The question is not whether residents or non-residents should benefit from proper game management .
The question is should S-U-O make a profit every time an animal hits the ground ?
This issue is nothing more than the buying and selling of animals for profit and it is wrong !
EG ,
Keep that checkbook handy , you'll need it if S-U-O has its way . Commercialized hunting for profit is their agenda , not equal access to tags for the 'common man' . If Lucifer has his way all tags will be Outfitter tags or Landowner tags and every animal killed will mean a profit for...
EG ,
Restricting access of the common man is exactly what they're doing . Commercialized hunting at 10,000 to 15,000 dollars a pop is not the common mans idea of hunting .
You're not really a hunter are you ?
Your views on most subjects here are the exact polar opposite of 'common man' thinking...
I'm rehearsing for a conversation I fear I'll have with my sons someday ;
Dad , why can't we go hunting anymore ?
Well son , back in the year 2004 there was a very greedy man who we'll call Lucifer .
Lucifer owned a large commercial hunting business named S-U-O . Now Lucifer didn't care about...
Ten ,
You seem to be the voice of reason for the ATV crowd so let me pose this question to you personally ;
Why is it that every hunter who owns an ATV only uses it to get to their hunting area but we never see them parked ?
None of the other ATV users has had the sack to respond to this...