
Need Dance Help....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So they are putting on a Skit at my wife and Kids church on Sat.. 2 days away, And they needed to fill a slot on dancing or something. Anyway, It's known that me and the boyz like to dance so they wanted us to be silly and dance Sat night. "Just come up with something for 2 minutes" they said... HAve the kids do some flips.... etc.

UHHH 2 days .. 2 Minutes. I need some help !!

I was thinking something funny liek the dance evolution (See Youtube and Search for it) or something liek that.

Does anyone have any Danve moves, or video liks or soemthing that we could steal and put in our rutine i nthe next 2 days ?!?!?

Does anyone have a Dance mix cut they could Email ? Anyone have.... UHhhhhh Sorry, I forgot the crowd I was aiming this too. If anyone here has any friends with friends with Rythym that could help.... let me know :D :D
I will Record it. I came home today, had to go to Soccer practice, then had 1 hour to come up with a Dance "thing" .. HAHA, for 1 hr practice we're looking pretty good if I do say so myself. We are doing some Basic "FUNNY" moves starting with the Head bob, the Hip side to side, the Lawnmower, The Sprinkler, "Raise the ROOF" part hands in the air... and the "pony".

Sure, we're looking like retards but it's all good. I taught Zachary the "WORM" move tonight and he mastered it pretty fast. We're trying to incorperate it in the skit too. We might do a couple "Flips", some Free style head jerking and then we're going to end it with the "Dominos" by all lining up and knocking each other over........ I have the song stuck in my head right now .... JUMP JUMP JUMP !!!!!! JUMP AROUND !!!!

Wish us luck :D :D

I do need the cut "Jump Around" from "House of pain". If someone has that "cut" and could Email it to me or post the MP3 link or something that would be cool. I would hate to havce a Copy recorded over from the net, it would come out static like. Anyway, Thats the song we're gonig to Goof off too.

I found it on Youtube but don't know howto get it from there ?!?!?!

Tomorrow we practice one more time then we hit the stage Saturday. It should come out OK I hope.
I hate to brag.... Well, No I don't :eek: :D :D

But we tore it up !!!!!!

Here is the YOUTUBE link :

The funny part is in the beggining when Parker (My youngest on stage) grab's miself and starts to dance. I have to remove his Hand from the crotch area and Everyone was Laughing hard.

DelW, Any file over 2 megs locks up on me in my video directory........ any info ?