I went on a guided elk hunt in New Mexico about 5 years ago. Flying down dirt roads hitting my hed on the roof of the tuck while we are trying to run down the elk.
I have done alot of flying to Amarillo Texas this past year. With laovers, because there are do diect flights from any airports around me. About 8 hours. Then I need to drive 90 minutes.
Private airplane is the only way.
3 1/2 with a turboprop.
2 1/2 with a little speedier
my part id $400...
My son had a friend over one time who brought his game boy. My wife told them to out side and do snything. My wife saw him playing the thing outside. Told him to put in the house, he went in the house with it, and did not come back out.
He played it constantly.
My son was in scouts for 3 years.
3/4 of the kids were a bunch of uncontoable kids. The leaders kids were the worst. Running across tables and the parents do not do a thing. I even made the little kid cry by yelling at him. I stopped taking my kid.
He is in 4-H now.
One of his projects is...
My kids got a game cube for christmas in 2005. They play probly 20 hours total in the past 2 years.
My son (10) and daughter (9) will much rather do batting practice with snails.