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  1. jtm307

    Friday music from those who left the party too soon.

    Note to self, never be in a band with Dave Grohl. RIP Taylor Hawkins.
  2. jtm307

    Friday music from those who left the party too soon.

    The earliest music I remember hearing as a very young kid were Keith Green and Rich Mullins. I wish they were still around.
  3. jtm307

    12 deer points in WY, what area to apply for?

    Some decent bucks in Area 15 that hang out in this spot year-round:
  4. jtm307

    12 deer points in WY, what area to apply for?

    Everything you need is right here: Click "Area _">"More Info">"Hunt Area Info" No need to pay for Go Hunt
  5. jtm307

    someone stop me - planning an antelope hunt

    I’ve bagged an elk and antelope on the same weekend. Very doable.
  6. jtm307

    Will inflation affect your hunts?

    I wouldn’t be surprised if fuel prices tanked by the end of the year. Parabolic spikes often are followed by precipitous declines.
  7. jtm307

    Will inflation affect your hunts?

    I’m applying for more tags. I anticipate higher meat prices.
  8. jtm307

    What to do savings account

    I'm in the "sell cash secured puts" camp. It's not for everyone, but I'm in the markets enough to know when to be risk off, like now.
  9. jtm307

    Freedom and Resistance Tunes Friday

    Was gonna post War Pigs but someone beat me to it. Dylan is just as good:
  10. jtm307

    Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

    The fact that he’s richer than I thought makes me like him even less. A person that rich shouldn’t be concerned about stupid litigation. My discredited source:
  11. jtm307

    Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

    Haha. Sure looks like it.
  12. jtm307

    Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

    I looked up the owner’s net worth. 12 million. That’s pennies compared to other large land owners. He’s beating his chest. Truly wealthy landowners have better uses of their time than to harass hunters with stupid litigation.
  13. jtm307


    All but one elk I have harvested have been day trips, often a two hour drive or more.
  14. jtm307

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    I did FPU about 13 years ago. That was the advice he gave at the time. Maybe he gives different advice now.
  15. jtm307

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    I am doing extremely well relative to the S&P 500. When the bottom is in, I'll have more capital than when it topped. People (not saying you) who follow the Dave Ramsey plan of just buying growth stock mutual funds and holding till retirement could get wiped out and take years to recover. Anyone...
  16. jtm307

    Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

    I couldn’t disagree more. It took over 15 years for the Nasdaq-100 to recover from the dot com crash. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to manage their wealth better than that.
  17. jtm307

    Wyoming Corner Crossing Defense Fund

    I’m giving some serious thought to a lifetime membership for being the only organization to publicly stick their neck out in this case.

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