Mine comes in at 2.5 lbs, plus a lot of AA batteries. Space wise, hmm, similar space to a camelback bladder half filled.
I want to find a better option than AA batteries though
Bear fence gives some people peace of mind. Last year in alaska my fence was only lasting 1.5 nights on a pack of AA batteries. One night late in the trip I forgot to change the batteries and told my friends I was too tired to get out of my bag to change them as I fell sleep.
Woke up around 2am...
I was just reading that article and laughing too. Can't help but wonder if it's a cover up but I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
If even NDOW misidentifies coyotes as wolves then that Michigan hunter better not get in trouble...
I was there too. The cpw chat was really good. I guess I don't know the hunttalk locator call.
Felt good to give back to the Sheep as efficiently as RMBS does.
Haven't "met" anyone in person since pre covid, seems dating apps took over since then completely. That said I'm probably zero for 30 on serious lasting relationships from dating apps. Colorado isn't hunter friendly but there's "plenty of fish in the sea" on dating apps to have short...
This little thing has been my base camp for past 2 years after the extreme fire restrictions the couple years prior. Propane heat, electric on a large battery and solar panel.
That's a big detour! Will show another flaw in our road infrastructure. Should have closed it in winter to save a few of the roadkill that happen there
With sheep my year is defidentally taken up. I threw one out for a range I've almost never been in because I figured it would be the tough wilderness style I love and easier draw odds. Going to be a busy year.
I know where my weekends will be!
I didn't do any second choice sheep.
That MSG recommendation is weird. But it also makes sense, aligns a bit with idaho. I like the oil. And protects people from wasted prior pp purchases and lawsuits. Seems like the only option.
If it's approved my 3+3 for all three seems useless. Seems better to not be chasing all three at one...
Idk why you're all saying this post is too early.. I'm drawing sheep and goat in only 2 weeks. Haha in my dreams
All seriousness I have yet to shoot a buck here, I can never find one good enough for my standards. Maybe this will be the year