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WY antelope unit


New member
Jul 22, 2021
Hey guys, I’ve been researching on go hunt for a rifle antelope hunt for my dad and I. We have 8 points and I thought I had it narrowed down to unit 63 or 66 but after talking to the wardens and biologist in those units it sounds like last years winter kill was real bad in those units. I have switched now and am looking at unit 77 and 79. We would both just love opportunity at nice respectable antelope. We will be going diy and any info on herd health, winter kill, trophy potential would be awesome. Thank you guys for any help
I would search in here for unit numbers. Good info. I can’t remember the exact number of the unit we had great luck in. It was the one just off the paved road east of town with decent sage.
I would search in here for unit numbers. Good info. I can’t remember the exact number of the unit we had great luck in. It was the one just off the paved road east of town with decent sage.
That sounds like my unit but mine was a dirt road
Hey guys, I’ve been researching on go hunt for a rifle antelope hunt for my dad and I. We have 8 points and I thought I had it narrowed down to unit 63 or 66 but after talking to the wardens and biologist in those units it sounds like last years winter kill was real bad in those units. I have switched now and am looking at unit 77 and 79. We would both just love opportunity at nice respectable antelope. We will be going diy and any info on herd health, winter kill, trophy potential would be awesome. Thank you guys for any help
Wish I could be of more help, with any luck this will be my first year hunting antelope in wyoming. Best of luck on the draw, from what I have researched you should have a great hunt in any of those units!

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