Been putting in the stand time this year and seeing plenty of animals, just not the one!
A new stand that we will be adding to our arsenal of stands for next season
Big 9 that my cousin got near my father property up in the mountains. Shot it with a muzzleloader across a beaver pond.200+ lb...
Had a doctors appointment on Friday so I took the whole day off. Sat morning sit on a field edge and got there well before daylight. Heard some deer sneak through the brush 40-50 yards to my NW just out of site before legal shooting time. About an hour after legal shooting time I looked behind...
So my father has been taking my two nephews out shooting because NYS youth season was this last weekend. The oldest nephew is 14 and can partake in it this year! So mornings dad would take him out on the farm and evenings up to his camp. Saturday night they were up to camp when at 6:05 this nice...