Well gents, I made it back to town. Expect updates as I write them up. The hide and horns are with the taxidermist and my freezer is full of fabulous muskox meat. For those wondering, the official B&C score puts him at an official net score of 105 6/8“.
B&C minimum for muskox is 105“
I do!
My good friend Jeremy and I beat the 1% odds and the drew the Nunivak Island Muskox tag in the 2019 draw. The first thing we did is call James Whitman for transporter services. In Alaska, a transporter is a happy medium between a DIY and fully guided. The transporter provides food...
It's still a unit where quite a few bucks end up dying of old age. The two day hunt period and limited tag allocation help to relieve hunting pressure.
Being a member of the Army for 20 years has allowed me to take advantage of hunting multiple states. My latest assignment placed me right on the edge of Texas, Mexico, and New Mexico in sunny Fort Bliss in the heart of El Paso, Texas. I wasted no time finding a place to shoot regularly and...
Large fronts, long main beams, good mass and width. He almost has it all, but the back fork on his right side looks a little weak, but assuming his eye guards are 3", he'll likely gross around 185"
No. A new tag rounding procedure was put into place to ensure that NM residents receive no less than 84% of the tag allocation. Before, the up rounding for outfitted and NR applicants often caused the state to issue a tag or two above the published allocation causing the percentage of the...
It really depends on how many tags they allocate as to whether or not point creep is affected. If they keep taking away bonus point tags by spreading tag allocation, point creep is here to stay.
I agree wholeheartedly. NM residents have it great. However, I always hear residents complaining about NRs getting all their tags.
BTW The new tag rounding is a joke. A lot of fuss to save a couple tags.
Utah's draw system strategy is pretty obvious in that they pick which hunts they want to usher NR in to. For instance, Utah is sacrificing the Book Cliffs any weapon for deer with higher NR tag allocation. I believe, above and beyond a herd management perspective, it's to try to clear out point...
My biggest complaint with Utah is that they recently started splitting hunts into multiple periods and splitting the NR tag allocation.
Since 50% off the tag allocation goes to lottery, and 50% goes to high bonus points it means that a hunt that once had two NR tags now has one, which means...