Big Fin
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  • I'm a practicing CPA in Billings. I worked for Bradley and Marchwick in the early 80,s. Hunted all my life in Montana. I'm 68 in a few days and dealing with a bad eye, knee, both shoulders etc. I loved the floater story. I really enjoyed your new MT pronghorn (antelope) video. Your monologs are great.
    Gotta say unless there was wind I would not of passed on the 400 yard standing broadside shot.
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    Reactions: Big Fin
    I'm new to the forum , how do I start new posts or is this a post?
    Hi Randy-

    Just booked a caribou hunt with Gana River for 2026 with my dad and brother. Planning to drive to Edmonton from MT and would love to pick your brain a little bit on some of the logistics of getting there and getting meat/antlers home (of course, that’s contingent on having success!) as this is our very first out-of-country hunt.


    Big Fin
    Big Fin
    Sure. Send me a PM (Private Message).
    Do I need 10 posts to do that? Long time reader, rare poster. Can’t find the “Start a Conversation” button - ha!
    Big Fin
    Big Fin
    Yeah, you need 10 to do that.
    Hey Randy listening to the podcast lately you mention aldo Leopolds book what other books would you recommend along the same themes as sand county almanac.
    Hey Randy,
    Saw that you had hunted Unit 46 in Idaho during the December rifle hunt for Bull Elk and I was one of the lucky guys to draw that tag this year. I have some spots picked out and am really looking forward to it, just wanted to pick your brain on what to expect if at all possible. Thanks!

    Hey Randy,

    Sorry to bug you. I am trying to get some billing issues figured out with outdoor class and haven’t had a response for about 8 days now. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I miss my account!
    Hello Randy , Hope all is well with you and your family . What is the max distance that you will shoot your 308 while hunting ? I noticed you using a 308 caribou and moose hunting , I am impressed . The 308 gets bashed a lot from the experts . My max shot is 224 yds on a mule deer . Thanks for All you do for Conservation .
    Big Fin
    Big Fin
    My maximum, under perfect conditions is 400 yards. I prefer closer. Thanks for following along with our content. Good luck in 2024.
    I'm enjoying my Fresh Tracks + membership. Is there a way to get a direct message through?
    I'd like your perspective on donating to the various conservation/state agencies as an out of state hunter and this forum doesn't allow for lenghty questions. Thanks for all your efforts towards public land access.
    Big Fin
    Big Fin
    Yup, hit “Start Conversation” and select me as recipient. Thanks for your interest.
    Thank you. I must be dumb, ignorant, or maybe both. I don't have that option. I must need to make more posts.
    Hello Randy, appreciate all the content you put out, very informative and insightful. Was curious as to what your take is on the winter kill that affected Wyoming and Colorado this past winter in terms for the elk? I am looking at doing hunts in both states in the near future and was wondering how much of an effect this past winter would have on populations and preference points (mainly Wyoming in terms of points)?
    Randy, I’m looking to use 150gr Nosler partitions for my AZ Bighorn Sheep hunt but I’m having trouble finding quantity to practice with, ~200-250 rounds I recon. Noslers website says they’re unavailable. Any chance you can help with this?
    Hello Randy , Just watched Mattews Nev. pronghorn , congrats to him on an excellent buck . The interaction between you ( Father ) and him ( Son ) is far greater than the animal . The time and memories are priceless . Thank you both for the Greater Lessons and your wife for sharing you guys with us ( and Scott Jones ) ( You can get away with Even More with Grandkids , that is a Totally diff. Level )
    Big Fin
    Big Fin
    Thank you. Glad you liked it. Hoping I get to learn about the "kitchen pass" limits with grandkids. Thanks for watching.
    Good Morning Randy, I have lost the "like" next to reply in lower right corner of my posts any idea on how to put it back on ????
    Big Fin
    Big Fin
    Hmm. Usually that happens if you are not logged into your account.
    Thank you Randy for responding but I am getting old and sent you a messages to soon. Everything is fine Thank you again ! Sam

    When you use Beau's llamas to go backcountry, what is your wall tent and stove setup? What tent and stove do you use? Do you cut lodge poles from trees or pack in the OEM poles? Thanks!
    Big Fin
    Big Fin
    We use Beau's tents and stoves that you see on his website. It is very packable. We don't have to cut trees. Here is a video of the tents we use -
    Loved this video
    Hi Randy,new to this and basically a rookie antelope hunter.Would love to go to Wyoming,only one point.
    I know it doesn't get me much.
    What is your opinion about the 20s units?
    hi Randy
    do you have another handle besides big fin? I see last one is Dec 9, 21. BTW, like that you are still showing your profession as CPA, even though the hunting stuff probably takes all of your days. yet, at least its good when you wan to pull stats ')
    Hello Randy,
    Really enjoying fresh tracks +
    I think of you and your family every time I come across the pine island road trapping and turn around in Big Falls. I am praying for your Mother and your family.
    Thanks again,
    Big Fin
    Big Fin
    Thank you, Jim. I appreciate the kind comments. My best to you.
    Hi Randy, just wondering if you will be making a trip out to TAC in UT this next week? Not sure if you attend those events but I plan on attending this year for the first time and if you are there would love to say hi. I still appreciate the tips you gave for my Bison Henry mtn hunt and also love the content you guys create! Thanks for all you do!
    Big fan of yours, Sir. You are an inspiration and I cannot thank you and your team enough for your content. You’ve taught me and my family many things, well beyond hunting. I’m in Belgrade, and if I could buy you a coffee and get a handshake and a photograph it would sure be an honor..
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