Recent content by Werty

  1. Werty

    Archery how much do you shoot?

    4-5 times a week, starting a month before season starts. I also do a lot of just cold bow shots at different distance. It really seems to help me
  2. Werty

    How much water do you carry in your pack?

    I generally always have 2 liters in the pack. I always drink a bunch before I leave the truck if I'm not sure of another water source
  3. Werty

    19 years in the making

    Amazing! Congratulations
  4. Werty

    280 AI shooters

    I don't shoot a AI, I shoot a 280 rem and love the gun. I run a 160 Speer and it kills everything. I've been using this gun for 15+ years. Hope this helps.
  5. Werty

    Rating an Outfitter

    Just ask for past year clients that weren't successful, those are the people you want to talk too.
  6. Werty

    Relocation For High Three Retirement

    Alaska, I've lived there 2 years. I would like to go back for a few years again.
  7. Werty

    CO Mountain Lion Ballot Initiative: Continuous Updates

    You have every right to ask them to leave.
  8. Werty

    Moving to the South?

    I do believe that Lewistown and Glasgow has some big manufacturing plants scheduled to build or increase production there.
  9. Werty

    Moving to the South?

    Hottest I've ever been was south Oklahoma, it was 110 for 2 weeks I was there. I have no desire to be there in the summer. Fall through spring I might be able to handle it. They do have hogs which is a big perk for me. Oklahoma is a different pace for sure, kind of like island time.
  10. Werty

    Favorite camp meals?

    I like taking already baked potatoes, that way it doesn't matter if they freeze. Pre cooked taco meat, or burger depending what you like. One less step! Precooked bacon, can put it on the grill to heat up, no mess Frozen breakfast sandwiches like chicken and biscuits or sausage. Put them...
  11. Werty

    Skull turns dark/ black euro mount issue

    I use dawn soap and oxi clean in a slow simmer. Keep antlers out of water. Then do whatever bleaching style u want. Ive never had one turn black.
  12. Werty

    Montana season structure proposal 2.0

    I honestly don't think people understand or know what a mature mule deer buck looks like.
  13. Werty

    Water for Hydration in freezing temps

    I always have an extra pair of wool socks. I boil water before bed and put into nalgene bottle then into my socks. You can also put into sleeping bag. I also do this for -20 below day hunts.
  14. Werty

    Montana season structure proposal 2.0

    Agreed! Worst case scenario hard winter hits, and EHD hits region 7. Now everyone is forced to hunt there.
  15. Werty

    Five antelope, seven days

    Good luck!
PEAX Trekking Poles

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