PEAX Equipment

Recent content by richl025

  1. R

    New member from Texas, heading to Oregon

    Thanks! I've actually read a fair bit and had a nice phone convo with a guy I met on a facebook group for Oregon hunters who was pretty helpful. Unfortunatly this year I'm considered non-resident so I'm not expecting much luck, hopefully just build some preference points and have to pay to hunt...
  2. R

    New member from Texas, heading to Oregon

    Ha ha, yeah, true dat...
  3. R

    New member from Texas, heading to Oregon

    Greetings all, I'm an adult-onset hunter, currently in South Texas, and getting ready to move to central Oregon this summer after I get out of the Army. Looking forward to reading & learning!
  4. R

    Which Caliber for Elk

    I know people may tire of the "what caliber" threads, but it's actually quite helpful to us newbies who want to make sure we are bringing the right tool (or at least an acceptable one) to the table...
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