New member from Texas, heading to Oregon

Welcome soon to Oregon. You'll have a lot of fun outdoors in Central Oregon, and I think the hunting is still ok there, compared to most of the NE corner.

I think there's another member on here in Central, who can give you the scoop on stuff. Best of luck.
Congrats. Give a holler if you need help with our draw system etc.
Thanks! I've actually read a fair bit and had a nice phone convo with a guy I met on a facebook group for Oregon hunters who was pretty helpful. Unfortunatly this year I'm considered non-resident so I'm not expecting much luck, hopefully just build some preference points and have to pay to hunt someone's landowners tags (assuming they're not all spoken for...)
Welcome from Eugene! Quite a few Oregonians on here.
I’m an army vet and adult onset hunter myself, only been at it 2 years so far. I haven’t made it east of the Cascades for a hunt, so I can’t speak to what those draw odds are like (other than bad) but there’s OTC deer and elk tags on the west side of the state. Statewide turkey, cougar, and fall bear, too.

Last I heard, getting a pronghorn tag is somewhere around 17 points. I’ve already conceded that I’ll never get one of those tags in this lifetime.

Look into joining the Oregon Hunters Association, if you haven’t already. I’ve really enjoyed being a member, great way to meet good people and hunters in the area.
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