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Recent content by ploxwithblox

  1. P

    Phishing attempts… us what they have tried

    I have a cybersecurity business that works with companies to develop security programs and test them. Sadly, we get plenty of calls for help after the fact and the pain is real, both financially and emotionally. I can't overstate how proud I am to see this group talking about it and sharing what...
  2. P

    Fixed blade for the field

    I got the Benchmade Hidden Canyon with an RMEF donation a year or two ago. I didn't really think to use it, but decided to try it out after some time in a drawer. It was surprisingly excellent. I was worried it was too small for elk, but it actually worked better than my other knives due to its...
  3. P

    Unpopular Opinion on Brisket

    Just had some killer brisket this week, when its good, its real good! But I have had plenty that were just so-so especially from restaurants. I wouldn't completely discount it, but be prepared to have plenty that are just kinda meh.
  4. P

    How much water do you carry in your pack?

    I generally bring 3 liters or so in my water bladder and keep an empty smart water bottle with a sawyer kit for emergencies. I don't always use it up, but when I get something on the ground that extra water to sip away at is heavenly come meat packing time.
  5. P

    "Now it's my turn!" -Federal circa 2025

    I won't be buying one, but I do find it interesting. I'm sure there were plenty of detractors when the first lever guns came out, as well as smokeless powder and so on. Some of it will catch on, some won't, time will tell with all of the latest and greatest. It's exciting to see that companies...
  6. P

    Dad Joke thread

    The other day while out in Maryland We were driving past Oakville, and they had some massive event going on. It's a little town, but it was packed, cars lined up down the country road on both ends of town. Apparently, they have a contest every year to see who can grow a russet potato to some...
  7. P

    EOY '24 - What Worked, What Didn't

    Worked: - CGS Hyperion K. I put it on my 300 WM and absolutely love it. I screwed it on, sent a round downrange to see POI shift and was dead on. I can switch between brake and suppressor with no shift. - Exo K3 4800. I really don't know how I could justify switching to the k4. It hauls 90+...
  8. P

    Retirement Gift Ideas?

    I second this. A memento of his most notable project would make for a nice gift.
  9. P

    Favorite Leatherman Model

    I've carried the Signal for years and absolutely love it. It clips into my pocket nicely and has never missed a beat. I have some nice pocket knives but can't live without my screwdriver and pliers. Also, the little hammer surface on the end has been surprisingly useful!
  10. P

    kenetrek vs crispi - more waterprooferer?

    So far my Kenetreks have been excellent in the water resistance department, the best of any boot I have owned. After going through many different brands, I've found that it's usually the seams or boot lace rivets that start to let water in regardless of the waterproofing material. The Kenetreks...
  11. P

    Binos that work with glasses

    I just adjust my binoculars to be crisp without my glasses on and bump my glasses up onto my forehead to look. Not ideal, but it seems to work for the most part. I'll be interested to hear if anyone drops any comments about an alternative.
  12. P

    Camo pant suggestions

    Two things come to mind: Redhead brand from Cabelas can get the job done for a lower price point, my Brother in Law has it and has had pretty good luck with it for the money. I have slowly upgraded my stuff to higher end so I can't give you any live preference there. The other thing I would...
  13. P

    Camo pant suggestions

    What temps/weather will you be in?
  14. P

    Recently hunted in South Africa. Anyone want a recap?

    Please do it. A lot of us will likely never end up doing it, but it's sure a treat to live vicariously through the tales told.
  15. P

    .308 win bullet selection for new reloader

    I wasn't a big fan of the TTSX 168s for group sizes, even though my heart was set on them. I eventually gave up and tried the 155 ELD-M. They shoot really well out of my wife's sig cross. Lots of choices out there, best of luck finding your golden ticket!

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