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Recent content by Nm252525

  1. N

    The Rinella Effect

    Yeah the guy using social media and selling merch on social media to complain about others using social media. Biggest nut sack of them all
  2. N

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    When You used 48 and 36 as examples with are mostly secondary management zones so probably should
  3. N

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    You aren’t accounting for special and secondary management zones
  4. N

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    Got a lot of input on this subject. I hope you and tree shark are going to Wisconsin meetings pushing for nonresident allocation. With Wisconsin only have resident elk tags to draw you guys should be at the forefront of getting that changed
  5. N

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    Completely different topic but you are right those need to go as well. Might even be more corrupt than eplus. Know multiple people who sign 5$ 2-day contracts with friends who are outfitters to put in with that pool.
  6. N

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    Go look at the current auction tag bids. 35k for the 16s and almost 20k for 34 or 36 with over a month of bidding left. These are just for any existing hunt code and you get a couple extra days to hunt. Glorified unit wide tags. If you think you are going to hunt for 5k-8k in any of these units...
  7. N

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    Any other western state? But you brought up Nebraska and you’re right. Maybe nm should be like them and not allow nonresident elk hunting. Their economy seems to be doing significantly better than ours even with all your financial benefits
  8. N

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    You keep saying significant financial benefit and I’d like to see your numbers on that. I’d like to know how many of these tags are cash deals not reported or paid taxes on. Look at the jimmy John hunt and how that went and the outcry from all sides. That’s how they’d from this when getting the...
  9. N

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    Nm is a poor state. There is extreme anti wealth sentiment especially in abq that would love to get on board with keeping wealth from exploiting the state. And that exactly how it would be framed. The landowner in the areas with the elk is a minority although loud and well lobbied
  10. N

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    That is something that is already happening and can be seen by local news coverage of the issue. However, as effective as I know that the would be I don’t think that is the most beneficial way for all. In a state that’s already lost trapping based on the public outcry after a single dog was...
  11. N

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    Because as part of the unit wide eplus program you have to allow everyone the same access you can’t pick and choose. That is the issue here. If the gate stays locked for everyone no problem. When certain people, mostly always outfitters, can come in an out is where the issue lies. Comparing...
  12. N

    New Mexico Pronghorn Privatization

    There’s no way to know the amount of animals that get poached based off these policies. You’ve got a 20 acre lot you’ve got a tag in your pocket. Just based off the insane decline of antelope I’ve seen in 32/33 alone I’d suspect it’s a lot
  13. N

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    Will check it out. While I agree it documenting the ranch can just say the gates always locked and then it’s a he said she said that goes nowhere. But your comment about knowing where you are brings up another point. Whether sent signs from the state or required to buy their own. Should be...
  14. N

    New Mexico Privatization. Nuthin like it

    There’s virtually 0 enforcement and the ranches know that. Hiked way into an eplus property last year that had a locked gate only to watch said gate be unlocked and an outfitter with clients come in. Clients were excited to shared they’d bought tags and had the only acess in as the guide tried...
  15. N

    New Mexico Landowner tags. ELK Hunters

    Wasn’t the point of that but yeah you’re right. Those same ranchers pay pennies on the dollar to graze state and blm land but year they need more

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